The best Sierra Graphic ADV game I've played by a country mile and then some.

the weirdest Civ Expansion to date, but it's always nice to see Darius get a nod over Cyrus

The fact this came out in 1989 is unreal. Sega really did what Nintendidn't.

Deserves 5 stars alone for making Peace Walker playable

Games are bad, they make you mad!

Burning the JPN version for Dreamcast back in the day got me into import gaming

I get that people can prefer Melee for its gameplay, but as a whole package this makes every other game in the series redundant.

I feel sorry for the next game in this franchise.

Sure Vampire Saviour / Hunter 2 outclass this as a competitive game but this is my GOAT.

Why you, yoU, yoU, YOU . . .


My latest replay a year or so ago changed this from "yeah I remember that being a pretty cool JRPG / Tactics hybrid" to "one of the absolute best games I've ever played in my life" this shit is so fun

Despite all justifiable skepticism, they did it.

They somehow managed to make DDD playable by human beings with two hands compared to the 3DS, that's a five star feat on its own.

I was a Sega kid through and through, but if someone told me the SNES was better because it had this, I couldn't put up much of an argument.