I will not stand for this Nia erasure

Tell me with a straight face "Dark Castle" isn't a top five Kirby song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ThgLaKfH00

A good conversion that is totally justified alongside the SNES port, but just use MAME to play the original tbh

Unlike the arcade version, this is more or less a translation of Super II Turbo onto consoles.

A shitty one at that.

Back when online was active this was a 9 / 5

The worst DKC game on the SNES, meaning it's still better than 90% of the SNES library

Duck Hunt is more fun that Super Mario Bros.

Huge Platinum and Star Fox fan.

This is one of the worst games I've ever played.

The game image is for the PAL release of Monster Rancher 2 and the banner image is Monster Rancher 3.

What a mess of a page lol

idk why so many japanese devs were hellbent on pushing penguin characters in the 80s but this is by far the best outcome of that

Rest in Peace Jonathan Earl Madden.

Spy Fox for Smash bros where he shines you with a reflector that's hidden in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or something

The definitive console ports, basically the only ones I will gladly play instead of begrudgingly play.

The coolest Dante stuck in the worst game.

If this had better survivor AI this would be one of the best games ever made imo