made me unironically jam out to a fucking Guns n Roses song

Worse than either the game before or after it but this is way overhated

Punished Ginger: A Fowlen Hero

Plays way better but the music is so much worse

If this had better survivor AI this would be one of the best games ever made imo

The coolest Dante stuck in the worst game.

If this was finished I'd be hard pressed to argue it's the best game in the franchise bar none.

*I have not played Special Edition

I wonder if these guys like Persona

The only thing saving this from a half star is an extremely drunk Mike from RLM playing this

One of the best OSTs of all time

Fun for its fifteen minutes in the spotlight

the best post-IX FF game and it's not even close. Easily the best Job system they've implemented in the series since, idk, V back on the SNES?