For such a recent game, I've lost track of how many times I've replayed this. Same with Resident Evil 2. Urata was right when he said "Capcom's back!"

Far and away the best LucasArts game. I don't mean just their Graphic ADVs either.

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Like so many kids who spent way too much time and money in arcades, I always wanted my own cab and this was at the top of the list. The game that fgpilled me.

Just by chance I was at a local game store that had a cab for this Die Hard Arcade, and Hard Drivin'. You better believe I got that as a bulk purchase discount. I cannot believe this silly childhood dream came true.

The greatest game I have ever played in my life and most likely will never be topped.

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“Capcom's first game was Vulgus, made in 1984!”

Why you gotta do Hikaru no Go dirty like that it's better than over half the series repped in here

Not an essential Sega arcade classic, for some notable parts it’s not even good, but it’s worth playing at least once just to see this game’s style

Shit game elevated by a fun novelty

Had my first playthrough a few months ago and was smitten. I can easily see this only getting better in subsequent playthroughs. Just a simple, charming, and most importantly, fun game.