The only good piece of cop media, especially because it shows ACAB

this is the best game ive ever played in my life

Capcpom Chrornicles ~ # 1~

Beat this in one sitting as Haggar (because that is the only character in the game). It's insane how much it kicks the ass out of not just any SNES Final Fight game but pretty much every belt scroller on the console I've played.

Is that fair to say given that the original Final Fight port was an early SNES title when people were still figuring out how to really make games for it that just weren't prettier version of NES games that played worse than NES games in the series cough Konami cough Gradius III cough Castlevania IV cough vs. a very late NES release when the developers that stuck around were coming close to getting the best that they could out of the system? Hell no.

The NES follows the original SNES port having only three sprites on screen at a time meaning there are still only two enemies max on screen at a time. While that was fixed in Final Fight 3 to have a whopping four sprites on screen with three enemies, the main appeal of the arcade Final Fight was its crowd control oriented combat. No matter which way you cut it, the SNES games failed on all aspects due to trying to stick with that despite technical limitations. For this one the entire combat system is redesigned from scratch based on that making its combat system feel engaged instead of separated from the game its in. These bosses are among the best I've seen in a belt scroller and it's on an non-arcade port made for NES game.

Like most late NES games, its graphics and music are remarkable as developers really understood the ins and outs of the hardware and could do things thought impossible back in the 80s. I can see this slowly become one of my favourite OSTs as I have been humming the tunes all day during work. For a Capcom NES game that is saying a lot since the competition among their titles is not easy. I really appreciate that its not just 8-bit remixes of the arcade's OST. I'm sure that would have sufficed many people, myself included, but now I can comfortably say that "Metro City Slums is one of my favourite Capcom compositions" for two different compositions.

It's only by freak chance that I was able to get this for a price that isn't highway robbery but I am glad I did. I'm not saying you should emulate it, but if you won't tell I won't. An absolute classic that like the arcade original begs to be played multiple times to really master it and solidifies why Capcom is a strong contender for "objective best 3rd Party NES Developer" (as stupid as "objectivity" in gaming is), at the very least it helps solidify them as my favourite developer of all time despite its ups and many many many downs the last two generations. While not as good as the arcade original obviously it's easily the second best game in the series for me.

Never forget the new Earthworm Jim says Trans Rights are Groovy and there is nothing Doug TenNapel or Tommy Tallrico can do about it

This review contains spoilers

yo you wanna learn how to do a fuckin infinite? Imma teach your motherfuckin bitch ass easiest shit in the motherfucking marvel three, marvel two, fuck it, I don’t give a fuck, iron man. Alright jump up in the air, hit up fuckin heavy kick niggyeah and then it’s motherfuckin, light punch, medium punch, light kick, heavy punch, hold diagonal in whichever way you fuckin going you only hit h fuckin up motherfuckin heavy kick, you can’t do it on the ground motherfucker, that shit don’t work. Let’s start this motherfucker off right, ah, ow, ow, ow, dropped that shit. Redo it motherfucker, ah, ow, how’s it taste? Keep the rhythm up. If you fuck up the rhythm, the motherfucking combo will drop motherfucker. Keep that motherfucking shit up, you keep that same motherfucking rhythm, if you drop this motherfucker then it will not be motherfucking cool. You can cancel it out into a motherfucking heavy punch ultra, but I ain’t gonna do that shit, ah. It drops after motherfucking fifty nine hits motherfucker, that shit’s crazy. Fifty four, fifty five. When you’re doing it in the corner, don’t hold straight diagonal, after motherfucking two to four hits it’ll drop, just like that. Let’s see it again. One motherfucker oh, oh, oh, oh, fuck, oh, it dropped. What you wanna do is you wanna, when you get them in the corner, you wanna hit em diagonal once, now hit up, now go diagonal, now hit up, now go diagonal, now hit up, that shit’ll keep the motherfucking combo up, motherfucker, that way you can motherfucking hit that shit, you won’t even drop that shit in the air, don’t matter motherfucker, even though the combo hits go away they still can’t block the motherfucker’s unblockable. Let me teach you how to do this shit with a motherfucking assist, you see that bitch, you see that nigger, you can’t do it the same way. You gotta meet that bitch, you gotta jump with that bitch, psylocke, in the motherfucking air, you gotta jump with her, y’all feel me. Jump with her in the air motherfucker then you can do the motherfucking shit, it’s easy as fuck motherfucker. Medium, heavy punch, light kick, medium, fuck, light punch, medium punch, light kick, heavy punch motherfucker it’s easy as shit. Can’t do the same shit with that it drops. Let it come up, then jump up with the motherfucker, when you got high ass assist like that, oh, so you meet the motherfucker in the air, easy as shit, motherfucker. Ooh. Easy as a motherfucker, I hope y’all motherfucking can do this shit, bitch, gah. I can’t cancel out of that shit, it’s been a while. Alright motherfucker, let’s do this again. Keep your motherfucking rhythm up. I can’t cancel into that shit right now man, it been a fucking while. Don’t lose your rhythm, you lose your rhythm, you’re fucked up. Light punch, medium punch, which is light punch twice, but it’ll light punch, medium punch, light kick, heavy motherfucking punch, keep jumping on the motherfucking diagonal. Keep doing the motherfucking shit I told you, motherfucker. Ah. Yo way. I don’t give a motherfuck. Now shut the fuck up and learn some god damn combos. Argh.

To this day I never knew how or why I got a secret bonus point

Capcpom Chrornicles ~ # 5 ~

I played four hours of this in my first sitting.

The ever elusive Final Fight Revenge, made by Capcom USA and only released in Japan on the Sega ST-V board in arcade and its home port being the last licensed release for the Saturn well after the console's death, remained the only Final Fight game I had yet to play (well aside from Final Fight Guy which is just fucking SNES Final Fight but why would I want to play SNES Final Fight again lmao).

It's a game of my dreams: a fighting game exclusively with Final Fight characters. It has a reputation for sucking ass, which I can't fully disagree with but as a guilt plea-

You know what, no.


To hell with "guilty pleasures." It's an excuse to backpeddle when you say you like something for the means of pleasing some rando. There are no guilty pleasures, no one should feel guilty for liking something, if you like it you like it and be proud of that.

Haggar can piledrive a Zombie version of Belger into space and crash into the Earth. This game is fun as hell.

I’m not a religious person, I do not believe in god, but I hope it is all real so the people who made this suffer in hell for all eternity

It is against the Geneva Conventions to dislike this game.

It's shallow, it's broken, it's easy, it's not really different from any other bog standard anime arena fighter but you can beat the shit out of the characters from Vento Aureo so that pretty much makes this the best fanservice game.

No I have not played it online but it's a Bamco anime arena fighter why would you ever expect it to have anything but the worst online ever?

I will never understand the fervor behind "GENO FOR SMASH BROS!" get over it lmao.

One of the comfiest games ever. Seeing my five year old cousin get so hyped when she beat the first boss without help for the first time proves this.

This > Trigger deal with it nerds

you all went through a MUGEN phase, don't deny it

I have 27 physical copies of this