One of the most thought provoking games ever made 🤓🤓🤓

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When the wolf is sus

UMvC 3 Haggar is my favourite fg character ever, dude is so much fucking fun to play as and against (this last one is very important)

Of the six times a video game has ever made me cry, two of them are in this game.

if you play N Groove you a real one

By today's standards it's hilarious that it caused such an uproar and controversy, and even more hilarious that people write the game off entirely because of it. For a short early 90s FMV this definitely is better than a lot of its ilk.

A game made for people with ten fingers on seven hands coupled with some of the worst weeb humour ever made that people defend to death because Daddy Sakurai made it. Strong contender for worst Nintendo game that isn't some random licensed Famicom Disk System or Nintendo 64 DD game that was never localized and only a handful of people in Japan played anyways.

Three guesses as to where I got my user name from

I hope whoever came up with that Gordo puzzle got fired and never got a job in the industry again

I'm sure this was mindblowing in 1993 and I am not being sarcastic or insincere about that

you get to kill the Nostalgia Critic so that's a huge plus

Next person who says this is a hidden gem on the Genesis is getting punched

FF Tactics: Who are you?

TO: I am you but stronger

Can we all stop pretending Star Wars is better than Indiana Jones? If not for me, then do it for poor George Lucas.