fantastic art exhibit, bad video game

it's alright if you like that kind of thing.

functions best as a time capsule for memes. super tough, everything kills u in one hit, pretty fun. unbelievably jank.

if u own this game it's because one of your friends gave it to you or asked you to buy it.

game would be a lot easier if i were a lot smarter

does one thing real well.

design and concepts more fun than the actual game part lol

actually pretty sick little rogue like with all the rogue like staples.

pretty good, better games like it but probably great if you're into that kinda thing.


actually lives up to the hype for the most part. really cool and fun game. super stylized visuals means it holds up really well, too. pretty epic.

worms revolution. pretty fun with friends. i guess?


cool premise that the game does absolutely nothing cool or interesting with. passable.


it's a puzzle game with a core gimmick.

really solid top down shooter with a cool gimmick that really gets pushed to its limit.