when i've tried a game and i know that other people like it a lot i never know what to say. it's a game. didn't do it for me.

gambling destroys lives, kids.

it's alright. pretty "i got this game for free and i played for that reason only"

kind of a slog. puzzles are alright. narration is alright. ost is alright. it's alright.

pretty blah. good if u like fps and tower defense.

probably the best atmosphere of any scary game. very nightmarish and cool. dark and SCARY in real time. kinda love it. passable gameplay, cool designs and challenges. one of the best scary games i've played actually.

game basically plays itself

cool and fun little game. a lot like shadow of the colossus and im not mad at it, but definitely has its own flavor to it.

fits an unreasonable amount of individuality into the most generic video game mold around.


very pretty in soundtrack and visual design.
gameplay is passable.
worth a play if you're into artsy games.
a little scary sometimes 😳

actually epic for as long as it's novel

pretty cool, nothing super special, but good use of color and level designs.