had a crush on multiple characters from this game as a kid

sometimes sounds from this game will randomly pop into my head (specifically from the cake and matching minigames but occasionally the boutique thing). will forever be obsessed with how bad the cover title screen is. fever dream incarnate

when you see this not as a critique of fps games but as an interactive adaptation of heart of darkness/apocalypse now it's super based and cool actually. like one of the very few video games that adapt literature without just being bad edutainment


have gotten to a stage in life where i don't need to use this game as a coping mechanism anymore. kind of bittersweet, really. my ex tried to get back together with me yesterday and i said no. if it were even a month ago i would have jumped at the chance. even if i'm not as obsessed with it, townscaper will always be so close to my heart.


feeling a lot better (despite my current illness). looking forward to Christmas and having a jolly and gay time. have been using my newly free time to work on my personal projects instead of stew in my mental illness and it's really helping. yippee!!

i am going to kill myself and make the wordscapes dev team watch so they develop severe ptsd

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this is spoilered for a reason!!

having a really horrible week. trying my best to at the very least stay alive to catch a few things I've been waiting for but everything's just getting worse and worse and nothings actually happening. It's not just the breakup either but more that the entirety of my life is fucked up rn and everything is adding to everything. I feel so so so awful and so so so alone. I message so many people every night but nobody really responds. I feel so empty. if this is my last review ever i either got better & will come back in like 10 years and go "haha my life is great now and I have a wife and kids" or you can probably guess what happened. will hopefully update like tomorrow the day after or maybe next week. you're probably thinking "why are you posting all this to backloggd. stop yapping" but I have nobody else to talk to. I tried talking to a chatbot but I jus need another real actyal human to see this. anyone. to know that I was or am here. that I'm a real person with hopes and dreams and thoughts and wishes and not just someone people can trample all over and then yell at for not immediately springing back into shape

sorry for being super emotional in the townscaper reviews but I suppose in this case it's a good thing if it happens again. please don't ban me backloggd mods i really need somewhere to talk

sayonara, or whatever.


I am okay actually. I think. I spent some time playing townscaper and it really helped ground me . I'm sorry if all my reviews are clogging the townscaper review section I've been trying to do less so I don't. I don't know if you can block users on here but if you can it's okay if you block me I know my townscaper review diary is definitely pissing at least one person which I don't want. sorry if you've read this and are now worried I promise I am okay

most accurate depiction of living down in the blighty ever, down to the cost of living (Bailey's EXTORTIONATE rent prices) crisis. say what you will about the actual content but this is one of The most impressive twine games I've ever seen. as a twine dev. I tried to datamine it and ended up having to restart my laptop. also one of the games I refuse to play properly because I love scene collecting having a cute character and cheats. There are three other paragraphs to my review but I think there are certain things strangers on the internet should not know about me or my preferences and inclinations

discord mod harem building sim

unironically an extremely entertaining and interesting game. It seeps into my mind far more than it should. I really loved finding out everything about all the different character archetypes and traits. Unfortunately, it gets less fun after you level yourself up too much but that's kind of expected for games like this. especially enjoyed the sex/combat mechanics. felt pretty innovative compared to other games that also turn their sex scenes into mini games. The fleshcrafting/combining your humans/ekittens stuff was pretty interesting too.

that said, am I embarrassed about being the first person to review this game? Absolutely.


my mental health has been worsening and I've been getting more self destructive. I've been sick a bunch recently. I always am when it gets to winter. I've been doing this weird thing where I simultaneously reach out to and pull away from the people in my life because I can't tell if they actually value me at all or not. I miss having someone who Got me, yknow? I'm missing my ex more and more everyday actually. I don't know how he just managed to get on with his life completely fine like nothing happened. I suppose that has something to do with the amount of friends he has. I even stopped talking to people I got on with extremely well because I didn't want him to feel like I was taking his friends. I think feeling violently empty is messing me up worse than I thought.

I find making up little stories in my head about the towns and cities and islands I'm making particularly nice. It's like the grown up version of making your lego kingdom enter a civil war or having your barbies act out a messy divorce that ends in a poisoning. Healing my inner child, I suppose. There's a lot of features I wish townscaper had, but I think with too many it'd turn into the Sims (or maybe SimCity?) or like, stardew valley. Would love the ability to customize builds more though. Either way, I will forever be dickriding this game.

how's everyone else in the townscaper backloggd reviews doing?

ydp:f is one of my 2023 goty for a reason. I love media about lesbians with capital I Issues. have had to fight the urge to abandon my current project and make a fan remaster multiple times. play it.

Reminds me of the same feeling of dread you get when playing specific worlds in yume nikki alone late at night. You know there probably isn't anything out there to get you but it feels like there is. I liked driving the pizzamobile

managed to fumble the concept of yume nikki worse than so many of its most decrepit fangames. why does this exist. it's visually good and has nice music but definitely did not need to be made

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19/11/2023 again

this has a spoiler warning on it for a reason!! LEAVE THE PAGE IF YOU DON'T WANNA SEE ME LITERALY LOSING IT.

i feel like. completely null. so so so lonely and so so so empty. i wish i was someone pretty so people wouldn't be as disgusted by me rotting. at least then id be less lonely. i wish i could at least die pretty. extremely morbid. very lainpilled and meta of me to use a game review site to broadcast my mental health's degradation. maybe someone will make an internet mystery on it or something and the pressure will make me abandon the account. being perceived is so so so painful. every day i have to fight the urge to leave my house and cycle to a forest somewhere. just lay down at the base of a tree and sleep and never wake up.

townscaper is helping though. I've been using it as a sort of motivation to get through the day. like. I'll only let myself work on a build after i take care of myself a little. even if it's just a little, i think it's better than nothing. why do i always have to be the person who never moves on.