The groundwork is there and the games well built for the most part. The games are a blast to play, especially with friends and the online is pretty decent (for a Switch game).

I found that in chambara, the sword fighting game, the motion controls kinda suck. My sword always quickly ends up in a different orientation to my controller even after frequent recalibration, although some people I asked said they didn't have this problem so maybe my joy cons are just old and busted.

I also wish that the football gamemode was just a little more fast paced or at least lasted longer. Games too often end with no goals for either team when the teams are well balanced. Still fun though.

The main issue with the game is the lack of content. At launch there are 6 games. That is a whopping 1 more than in Wii Sports that came for free with the Wii in 2006 and HALF of the 12 games that came with Wii Sports Resort in 2009. Nintendo have announced a golf game mode coming in Autumn and I really hope they announce more to come in the near future because it definitely needs it to become the definitive Nintendo sports game. The joy cons are literally perfect for boxing; surely they have to add it in at some point.

What would be great is if they just released a full game's worth of content in the first place, or better yet: released a full game's worth of content in the first place AND announced free updates! I don't think that's too crazy of a thought when you consider Wii Sports Resort sold 33 million copies.

Also who asked for the new avatars

Don't let the critics fool you this game is amazing!

Not very good but at least it didn't waste my time!

They pretty much nailed the web slinging mechanics in this game. Pairing this with the games impressive visuals makes for an amazing way to explore the map, but unfortunately there isn't a whole lot to explore.

Outside of the main story and DLC, most of what the map has to offer gets repetitive very quickly. The side quests are monotonous and most other activities in the open world consist of travelling to different locations and doing the same thing. An exception to this is the Oscorp research stations, which feel a little more unique. Having repetitive things to do in an open world doesn't necessarily make it bad, but I think the lack of any truly interesting side quests made it sting a little bit more.

To me the main story was mediocre, but I think the characters have decent writing and good voice actors so I'm still looking forward to see what happens in the sequel.

Combat definitely isn't bad but, at least on the regular difficulty, I found myself not really needing to pay attention to the enemies so long as I dodge when the spidey sense tells me to and attack when it doesn't. Maybe that's on me for not choosing a harder mode though.

Don't play this game without health insurance

Story is solid but not mind blowing

Voice acting is top notch

Combat feels refreshing but main character has a couple moves that seemed way better than the rest so sometimes i just found spamming one move to be more effective than doing swag combos and stuff.

Some pretty cool boss fights but also some pretty forgettable ones

In some of the later dungeons I was having to do a lot of back tracking whenever I needed to heal.

art style very nice and rarely any fps drops on ps5 performance mode

there is a very large amount of vibration