i hate this game but i have a 400 somehow so i cant stop playing

th only pokemon game ive played where i cant look past the glaring flaws that surround th usually great core pokemon gameplay . th story doesnt interest me whatsoever but theres just so much more of it than in other games i feel . plus th slight changes they made to th usual pokemon formula (particularly to th gyms system) , i really dislike , altho i can commend them for finally changing things up after 20 years .

its a heaping hunk of garbage that plays like shit but its still pokemon so i do quite like it

its a pretty new game that gets frequent updates , so ill give them a pass on th balancing , which has been pretty awful th whole time ive played it . its quite fun tho ! especially when theres nobody in ur lobby thats using melee . heres 2 hoping that they can improve th balancing & th map pool so that th game can be truly great .

couldve been a lot better if it was more similar to th mainline bloons games

a game that im absolutely flabbergasted when people say it "stands th test of time" . it doesnt ! th controls are god awful . th camera is kinda shit . i know this was great for its time , but its been nearly 30 years ! its so out dated . if they were to remake it with modern sensibilities , it would probably be great ! . but as it stands , this game is pretty awful by todays standards in my opinion .

if this game sells well , which it probably will , will that finally tell nintendo wat ppl actually want ?

i havent played much of this yet , but the og TTYD is my favorite game of all time , so im probably going to love it . doubt itll top the original for me though . just how i am .

th most under rated game ever made mayhaps . so good n nostalgic .

bland but pretty good . not much else 2 say .

havent finished it but its pretty good so far . has some great ideas but i think 2d mario has just lost its lustre for me . unfortunate .

havent played in forever but it was really fun on th wii u when i was younger .

awesome idea but so unreliant on skill that it gets kind of old resetting because of shitty rng constantly . its fun tho

its great but it adds a baby mode and the worst boss in th whole game so like ehhh i dunno man

if they cant bring back th magic of th old pokemon games maybe they should just change th formula completely and find th magic somewhere else . its great , i hope they keep making games like this .