Seems like there was an issue when I ran the game. I wasn't able to interact with a key item (not the keys, though) to achieve the game's ending, so I was just wandering around trying to find out what I needed to do. While the game was unnerving in the same way the game I played earlier today, September 1999, I can't really recommend the game in the way I experienced it.

Pretty interesting for a five-minute experience. I like the idea of a video game short story like this. And it is unnerving how it unfolds—well executed.

Absolutely wrecked my left thumb on the SNES controller I played this with yesterday. They did not have comfort as a priority back in the 90s.

Anyway, it was nice seeing this on the SNES Classic that I have here at the house. I remember playing this on my own SNES when I was a kid years ago and it’s still a lot of fun. If I remember correctly, I had a third-party controller that had a turbo switch with varying speeds and would play different games with that, including this one for an even more manic experience.

As an adult, you do notice the spammy opponents and the cheating A.I., but you still feel like you need to get to that ending despite everything. The normal gameplay is glacial by today’s standards, but a necessary tool for beginners to learn the battle system.

All in all, a good game, but I’m not going to let nostalgia cloud my judgement. It’s foundational for the fighting genre, for sure, but it has its problems.



This is my first time playing DOOM and I liked it. I loved the FPS element, the enemies, the soundtrack, etc. But, the map structure is a god awful confusing mess. Ambitious for 1993, for sure, but a navigational nightmare in practice. Essentially, I thought the game was very addictive, a lot of fun, and good in spite of itself. I'm on E4 at the moment which is incredibly difficult, so I will continue on.
