Seeing Clementine all grown up following into Lee's footsteps with her own kid to take care of makes me so emotional. Can't believe we almost didn't get that too with the whole telltale ordeal.

8 years later and it’s still not finished

the grandfather of rpg makers

my gender is whatever bigby had going on w him


unpopular opinion (i think?) but staying at the dawguard is way cooler than joining the vampires

this game completely broke me

as eleições deveriam ser assim

the virgin inquisitor with a magic hand VS the chad commander of the grey beating the shit of fade rifts

it’s so incredible that to this day people are still finding new things on this game


i think i wouldn’t be the person i am today without this game

First game I ever played after getting an xbox 360 for my 10th birthday. I barely knew english but I played this so many times that I eventually learned it somehow. Seriously, I played this religiously, probably finished the game more than 30 times. I remember it eventually got to a point where I couldn't find quests to do anymore. Such great memories.

skyrim with mods is just another whole deal

i'm a proud monsterfucker but corypheus is a mosnter i would never fuck

I can't believe I don't get at least a little kiss during the whole sebastian romance <3