Kinda of a hit or miss for me. There were parts of this that I really liked and others that I absolutely despised. I had no desire to do side quests and just wanted to get it over with already. But surprisingly, I still enjoyed it, specially after reminiscing about it after starting Mass Effect 2. The main story and mechanics made the game bearable. Combat and the Mako stages were really fun! But man, some missions made me want to crawl my skin off. Still, a good game, and one that I’m sure I’ll remember fondly.

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super fun! I really hope for a sequel where we aren’t dead lol

I didn’t remember this being so edgy

sereeeia do maaar (vai qui- vai quicando) (vai qui- vai quicando)

sharpay what are you doing here

I’ll never be as happy as I was when I played this on its first versions on 2012

why is the mc so damn ugly lmao

8 years later and it’s still not finished



i think i wouldn’t be the person i am today without this game

it’s so incredible that to this day people are still finding new things on this game