Some of the most fun I've had in a god game ever.

While it's not introducing anything new, since what you do is:
1. Plan out adjacency bonuses via tiles
2. Manage areas to benefit towns that hold control over an area.

The way everything comes together is so satisfying, the titans that let you shape the world makes the game really charming and adds a ton of nuance and strategy to how you an lay out the map and control tiles since they can manipulate the world.

You get 3 selected titans from a roster that make biomes and each biome as tiles that can be slotted with 3 types of building that can generate 4 types of currency that can benefit towns you can select to hold over a region.

It's a beautiful synergy of a ton of different strategy, god game, and management sim mechanics that makes it feel fresh and addicting. Along with the variance of ages that can give your world a story arc. It's an amazing game that anyone who's a fan of chill, management games will love. It also looks amazing and you can have some great looking vistas or ruin them because you unknowingly clicked the evil path.

The game is pretty forgiving too, it's perfectly balanced being fair and relaxed while having a ton of thought behind every action you need to take. Go play it.

What a disappointing game. There isn't a single part of the story that I wasn't cringing at. The writing is so intensely bad because they decided to personify Imogen and Fleet Intelligence and give them awful banter between missions instead of the animatics the old games were told through.

The pacing is also at a break neck pace, the game doesn't give you any time to absorb the atmosphere like the old games and you go from combat to combat. The game only feels like Homeworld again toward the end after you've been strung along several 15 minute missions.

The only people who decided to show up to work were the sound and music teams because this feels less like a homeworld game than Deserts of Kharak did. Deserts at least has the pacing and atmosphere the first two games did and feels like a true prequel.

This feels like new people putting their own mark on a historic series and ruining it with their ideas instead of taking what make the series great.

The 3D combat is still there at least, but what makes it feel less like homeworld is the pace and how short everything is. The roguelike mode is 3 short missions and the 1v1 skirmish is on tiny maps and you get an army ready in less than 5 minutes and begin the, what feels like, a wrestling match as opposed to a shootout.

Please go play Remastered collection and Deserts.

Personal preference, but having put 200 hours in the first game

1. You get stronger in 1 / bosses are easier in 1
2. The weapons are much more unique in 1
3. Your bad runs in this game feel much worse and there are a lot more bad boons.

That being said, I don't have a ton of motivation to play because 200 hours tends to be my limit and this game is a clone of 1, which is fine, but I don't think I'll be putting another 200 in this one.

20 hours in I want to keep playing so it definitely feels distinguishable enough for a sequel but there are some preference issues I have with it which put 1 above this one for me.

Ton of content for EA though and it's still a great game.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how much there is already in this game. Yes the controls and the game feel very janky but if you remap the controls a bit you can get it to feel fine, you just need to get use to it.

The campaign is all there, the lack of voice acting does suck but im not gunna be too concerned about that from a mostly solo dev across 7 years not able to fund full voice acting for how much dialogue is in this game.

There actually is a lot of lore in this game since the entire game world is there already, which 100+ systems is a ton of content for an indie game.

So what is everyone complaining about? Mostly the janky controls and audio. Which if you can get past that, the exploring is immensely fun and kinda scary cause of the eldritch horror aspect to it, you'll never know what you find.

Great start to a mostly finished game, I understand why to release it in early access but as a solo dev you could've said this was 1.0 to harsher criticism but there is a lot there to warrant it.

I don't see the appeal.

Runes just offer retail abilities and the freshened up content is nice but it's nothing new. It's slow as fuck classic paced content, nothing is different in how the game plays. If you like the classes then just play retail, it offers more complex character and build customization and has all the cool abilities the runes try to offer.

Anyone saying that its NEW is straight up lying to themselves. The new content added like blood moons and emerald incursions just add overly meta content that phases out traditional forms of gameplay. Ashenvale and STV events were just things people already did but because it was fun, or emergent things that would happen, and it is just put into the spotlight because of the phases. It's nothing new.

That leads into another problem: the playerbase is still your biggest enemy. If you're an oldhead and wanna relive the game in 2004 and explore a new world that is straight up not gunna happen. Players now will shun and attack you for not playing properly. So any emergent gameplay that may have been able to exist just doesn't because everyone gamify's the systems in front of them to be as optimal as possible.

It's nothing special. If it's your first time playing WoW then there might be something there but it's a pretty shit experience that doesn't embody what classic is actually about.

I unironically bought this game at a 40% on steam because a ton of positive reviews said it was fun single player. And they were right. The ONLY issue the game has is multiplayer progression is locked to the host.

The game is super fun and way more engaging than the first game while still having that same, hero based tower defense idea. Really solid, you'll get about 15-25 hours of gameplay too.

This is a lore game masking as an (albeit) unique city builder, rts, puzzle game. There are 3 resources that you need to have sources for in order to progress somehow through the game.

I say somehow because none of the systems of this game are forward with you. You can see the flow of goods but that's about it. Combat units, progression, and the building itself are all abstract concepts that lack any satisfaction because the game is trying to evoke some kind of atmosphere.

Hence why it's a lore game. The city building does have some very visually compelling results and the game looks and sounds fantastic but once you have your resource collectors the game screams to a halt.

You have to slowly collect captains and ships through RNG while clunk-ily defending your trade routes and this can take hours of very slow, nothing happening-type gameplay.

Interesting and has some very unique concepts, might tickle some of you but ultimately not a very deep game and I was very disappointed and extremely dissatisfied with how the game played.

Very shallow game. It consistent of railroaded levels where you collect points and do QTEs when asked. It's all music and visuals and if you don't like EDM music there really isn't anything there. The game is also under 2 hours long if you just want to get through it once.

Cocomelon for adults

Any game that requires a mentor to play because it's systems are so obtuse or outdated is an awful game.

Also speaking of social dependency, this game to play at higher levels ALSO requires you have TWO ACCOUNTS!

For me personally just because I got in early and have a decent account and know how the game functions, it does evolve slowly into like a 3/5 but I'd never give it anything past that.

Half of the game is so old and not optimized because of it that it's just straight up a waste of time, anything else takes months and months to train skills to be capable at it, and even then the gameplay never really gets any better than like... Runescape tier action, just with a prettier paint job.

Awful game. Stay away from it at all costs.

To put it simply, this is the best way to experience Total War and Warhammer if you're a newcomer to both franchises.

Total War at it's best is a condensed 4X game of a certain time period that is wildly inaccurate to downright racist at it's worst. The roman bust pfp mfers are gunna come after me for that one.

This game has SO much content, SO many wildly different mechanics for each race, while all being in an amazingly fleshed out world (and yes its the whole planet in Immortal Empires) that it will engross you into both franchises. And guess what: you don't need to play any of the other games!

All the DLC and needing to buy the previous entries does make this a pretty expensive purchase, so ONLY ever buy all of it (1, 2, and 3) on big sale seasons, but if you like 4X and strategy, you're gunna be putting 500+ hours from sheer variety alone.

It completely nullifies any need to play previous total war games because they're all fundamentally the same, slowly built upon until reaching these series of games where all of their creativity and knowledge comes together.

Warhammer aids this by providing an amazingly engrossing backdrop with tons of lore and a huge community to fall back on. Along with providing any flavor of fantasy you could possibly want.

Now the difference between the 3 entries besides the base races you get, have different maps. 3 has the biggest "FFA" "No story" map that just lets you play whatever you want so it's the logical choice to play, you have to buy all 3 anyway but 3 is what you should be playing. (You don't HAVE to but your race selection will be very limited, 3 is mostly just nordic races and demons)

Overall insulting game. The first felt short and sweet and you could tell Respawn was trying to make a concise, well made, linear single player experience with soulslike combat.

This game just feels like AAA slop that just assumes the player is dumb as bricks and has never played a video game before in their life. Which, sure, I'm sure the demographic for this is, but the first game got this weird mass appeal with gamers that play a wider array. And thus why I'm writing this review on here so low because I'm assuming the average backloggd user, does play a lot of games.

Avoid this one. The story, even 10 hours in, is not clear what your main motivation is and the main antagonist is not very worthwhile, to sometimes being outright cringe worthy in their line delivery.

Needless environment traversal platforming, annoyingly unclear enemy attacks, and overall imbalanced skill catalogue. Very frusterating and if you play a lot of games, a lot of the AAA slop tropes will wear on you very quickly.

I played on PC and I did not really have many technical issues, so kudos on them for mostly ironing those out. There are some but just play with RTX off that solves like... 99% of problems with any game.

I'm appalled at the score of this game on here. There are no ads, and you can play the entire game unabated for free. Its a simple RPG but for a free game there's a lot of stuff that it adds slowly through a playthrough.

Gear upgrades, buffs, crafting, bosses, story. All for free, it's pretty generous for a phone game AND there are NO ADS.

This game treats it's players with respect and you should too.

Game boils down to who pumps out the most armies the most efficiently so it needs other win conditions other than domination but its a really solid, simply executed game.

This game is really solid. It's macro focused but there are some times you need to micro units to avoid them dying to worms.
You take chunks of area by claiming cities and you can focus on one win-con and certain factions are better at ones than others. Domination is the only one that is unplayable because the home bases are basically invincible.

You'll get a dozen hours or so playing it before it kinda runs out of content but its really fun if you want a slow paced RTS.

The best co-op objective based shooter ever made. The systems are solid for character customization. The overclock RNG nature of acquiring new ones does suck but the game has amazing atmosphere and great gunplay to make up for it, just crank up the difficulty otherwise it does get really boring.