Meh. The story leaves a lot to be desired, as this feels like busywork before the main finale for the light saga. The new subclass is fun, but not as fun as the 3.0 classes. As a returning player, it did nothing to motivate me to stay again.

Excellent shooter. A lot of follow the leader moments that I didn't enjoy. I recommend playing on at least Ranger mode if not playing Survival. Spartan/Normal was too easy and felt more like a generic shooter than the survival horror experience the game was going for.

Just like binging a weekly show, you see the previews, you see the openings and credits. It made a mood that sucked me in . The gameplay is dynamic, the boss fights are some of the best I've played. One of my favorite games of all time.

Fun arcade like experience. Super unique power ups and systems. Graphics are still beautiful even without upscaling today.

An enjoyable game with an amazing story and set pieces. Though I feel combat has taken a downgrade compared to the first game. A lot more quick time events and puzzles to compensate for this lack of improvement in combat.


The penultimate shooter. A perfect game.

If you changed the name from Final Fantasy to anything else, it would probably be a good game, but as a Final Fantasy title it's super lukewarm. The story is segmented in DLC that leaves the main story feeling incomplete. The open world is bare bones, and combat and magic is boring as watching paint dry. No matter how pretty this game is, it cannot excuse its short comings.

An incredibly fun character action game with a surprisingly compelling story. The fixed camera movements are dynamic and emphasis the epic adventure you embark on

It went on for WAY longer than it needed to be. Combat is at its best in this game. The story oddly is the worst out of the trilogy. At this point, Onimusha was not at all what I expected it to become, and that hurts my enjoyment.

World Seeker is the better One Piece game, while Odyssey is the better overall game. Strictly as a RPG, this game is amazing. The battle system never gets tiring. As a One Piece fan, replaying through previous arcs isn't what I wanted out of a One Piece RPG. I wanted to actually explore brand-new islands instead of retreading like most anime games do, the same plot we already know.

The story is cookie cutter, and the voice acting is inexcusable. The gameplay is some of the best in the RPG genre. The levels of theory crafting and building you can do with your characters is the highlight of this adventure.

A charming story with a beautiful presentation. Too bad the gameplay even for the time is dated.

An improvement on every aspect from the first game. One of the best character action games ever made.

Oddly feels like a step back. The new upgraded powers feel less rewarding to use. Karma choices are so comical that I couldn't take either side seriously. Melee still didn't feel good even with the improvements.