Loved the pirate story but there's a serious imbalance of gameplay to non-gameplay sections.

Mom I want Super Smash Bros.
We have Super Smash Bros at home honey.
Super Smash Bros at home:

Standard Player: ooh fun Zelda game with sailing.
Completionist: enrolls in University as a photography student

The Lawful Neutral of Mario Kart games.

Let's find that exit they call Paradise

Easily the worst special stages, they're trial and error memorization hell.

Characters and writing are so much fun and the gameplay matches the absurdity of the story. Still, it finds time to take itself seriously and amongst all the craziness to deliver some heartfelt moments.

The Neutral Good of Mario Kart games.

Impulse bought it because it looked neat. It still is neat but just not the type of game I can sink my teeth into.

Played with a Gamefaqs translation for the story because I'm that guy