3 reviews liked by sonicsaysnothing

i used to be so down bad
i had this jill valentine poster from re3 in my room when i was younger that every time i got some victory in a game i would point at it and go “yeah baby” (i was like 12 leave me alone). my cousin was over for christmas one time. we were playing halo 3 and i kept beating him in 1v1s and kept doing my little victory routine after each win and that got him so mad that he yelled and started punching holes in the poster causing me to tackle him and start pummeling him with smacks across his face while tears rolled down my eyes. that day i felt a loss of innocence. good game.

Майнкрафт сука это моя жизнь блядь! МАЙНКРААААФТ!!! Ой, мама пришла.

I've never played a game that dove so heroically to save mediocrity from the jaws of greatness.

I would add a whole other star if Ryuji was deleted from this game. I've never hated a Persona character more, not even Yosuke when he went full Joker Mode.

If the Royal bonus campaign was the real ending of the game, replacing [SPOILER] this would be a four star. The Royal bonus campaign is leaps and bounds better than the base game, but you need to play eighty FUCKING hours to reach it, so I can't even truly rec it.