fiction peaked so hard that i'm left speechless
probably has one of the best villains in the entire RGG franchise, up there with Yakuza 2

Way too fucking long, but going through Persona 5 for the 3.5rd time was surprisingly worth it for 3rd semester, too bad the rest of the game is nowhere near as raw as the Royal content

Disappointingly bare, and undercooked. This feels like it's still an early access title pushed to full release way before it deserves to be. Nothing about it mechanically feels finished, visual clarity in combat is horrible, etc. It's carried by presentation honestly

To be brutally honest also, it feels like a game that's more tailor made to be "streamer bait", than an actually fleshed out product and it certainly succeeded at being as such, whether intentional or not

You can tell a lot of people had a lot of fun making this game and I admire that
They coulda sold this game for double the price and I'd still consider it more than worth it

Verdict: they cooked

Peak fiction. Zenith of the medium. Yuji Naka's magnum opus.

This game got me my first noise complaint ever because I was sobbing so hard.

Honestly, despite all the updates this game has had, it feels like it has a similar issue to Warframe where new features get added without directly addressing the main gameplay loop enough, so it just gets tiring to play really fast especially with a fuck ton of relatively disconnected gameplay aspects

Earlygame portion desperately needs rebalancing or restructured into the midgame. Endgame portion is fantastic. I really don't know what they were thinking balancing the earlygame section to feel like the midgame, because that just doesn't feel particularly good to play, especially at 4/5BC

Pretty good game, but the lobby system and the fact that the Tower is utterly terrible holds it back, as well as how long it takes to even get into a game from booting up the game

I've still only put about 36 hours into this game, but in its current state (I have to say this because live service lol) it's probably the most fun I've had with any shooter, ever. This game fucking ROCKS

EDIT: After over 100 hours, and waiting a while, the magic has honestly worn off a bit. It's still far from bad, but it's clear the game has a lot of issues to work through. It does seem like the developers are actively updating the game though with things that make sense, so I'm not SUPER concerned for the time being.

Honestly a bit difficult to rate, because the last case is honestly the only thing this game really has going for it, but said case is so insanely good that it unironically makes slogging through some of the worst shit I've read in my life worth it somehow

This game feels like the bad amalgamation of a studio with way too many ideas but no idea how to execute on any of them well, so everything is just spread thin. Not to mention that Sonic is stiff as hell in this game, especially when you jump.

Moreover, this game has the same issue as most open world games seem to in that the open world, or in this case open areas, is a bona-fide checklist for progression, stat increases, etcetera. I would at least be able to stand this if the world at least looked nice, but the world itself has barely any polish, and is largely barren (especially after the first island!). Island design is also extremely questionable in the third island which is where I dropped the game lol.

If there's anything in this game I can say that I appreciate, it's the direction they decided to take the story in: the writing style this time around feels more anime-esque(?) which is something I think works pretty well for Sonic actually, and I think it could be cool if the series kept going in this direction in the future.

Honestly, I couldn't even bring myself to appreciate the Cyberspace levels because they are rehashed level design from previous games, which COULD be fun if Sonic actually controlled well. I'd much rather just play these levels in their original context where they're fun.

I cannae be arsed to write any more for this, so I'm just gonna say this game majorly disappointed me, especially given that Sonic Team had a LOT of time to develop it, with a longer development cycle than other Sonic games. Sonic Team is better at making Puyo Puyo games lol

Some pacing issues, but that's pretty standard for VNs so I've grown used to it
Outside of that, excellent VN where the character writing really shines
Also unlimited budget works

Unironically, super peak game. Idk whether I think this is GOTY or Hi-Fi Rush but either way fuck me dude everything about this game impressed me

Fucking incredible

Not a bad game by any means, in fact it's pretty quality overall, but I find that some of the boss designs are outwardly annoying for the sake of being annoying (much in the same way that some Elden Ring bosses are).

Also, I find that the game is a little too derivative of its inspirations? To the point that it takes the bad from them too (such as the Dark Souls boss runs that don't really serve any good purpose here imho). The game is also just quite formulaic.

Although, honestly, I actually like this game's narrative, presentation and OST a lot, and that on its own really holds the game up for me