Crash Bandicoot Ranked

Crash beats the shit out of Spyro btw!

Peak of the series easily. Love the character designs, animations, gameplay, etc. This game's weakest point is that fully completing it is like climbing a mountain with your hands tied behind your back and a blindfold on, and then halfway up the climb one of your knees get shot. Such a solid modern take on the series with a lot of charm and fun ideas.
Still love this game for what it is but it's super janky. I think its a solid, short experience but some of the levels are a slog to get through.
Best of the original trilogy, still holds up to this day. Enough said tbh
I think this is a fine enough game but its way too bloated with shitty ideas to put it any higher. The traditional Crash levels are some of the best but there's way too much bullshit here.
The first Crash game I ever played and beat! What a first impression. I honestly don't even think this is a bad game but its a terrible TERRIBLE Crash game for sure
Just a weaker Mind Over Mutant tbh.
I think this is a cute idea and tbh I never really got that far, but for lack of a better explanation something just feels off.
Same problems as Warped just in a much worse package.


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