Got pretty repetitive in a boring way -- I feel like the more I played, the easier it should've been to get back to the deepest areas. Maybe I didn't play long enough. I noped out when they introduced the stealth enemies, lmao. I really loved the sushi minigame though. That was my favorite part.

Fun game, quirky cast and dialogue, definitely nostalgic. Still as beautiful as the first time I watched my brother play the game when we were kids. The combat/boss designs were a little wonky and definitely showed its age though.

Played this three-ish times with months/years between each playthrough and with different people playing with me. I loved it the first time, and I thought it was just okay on subsequent playthroughs.

I really wanted to enjoy and finish this game. I got to the halfway point of no return(?) and then just lost interest in it.

Finished the game in a week and subsequently wrote 7 fanfics inspired by it. Yeah.

Felt like I wanted to finish the game just to finish it by the end of everything.

I've played all of the Ace Attorney games, and I'd say this one has the best vibes, twists, and story design. And I put AA3 on my favorite games of all time list!

The characters are way more interesting than the first, and the subversion of expectations with the game mechanics is super cool. I just...dropped it for whatever reason. I'd like to finish it though...

I got obsessed with this too fast, and I'm trying to slow down and not play it too much because it's ruining my sleep...

Enjoyable, lots of instant gratification. Much more fun with friends.

Loved the game obsessively until the sudden difficulty spike of the final boss kicked my ass. It felt illogical/undeserved for how easy/straightforward the rest of the game felt.

Great roguelike that I didn't really play as much as, say, Slay the Spire. Perfectly fun game. Maybe I'll give it another chance someday.