forever jealous of all the unsuspecting fools who got to play this not knowing that it was a sequel, it's genuinely a lot cooler from that perspective lol

fills a gap thematically between TSC and 25W but honestly you could get rid of it and i don't think it would affect how i view either. oh well. funny ass troll game love u suda

its good
played on super mario all stars without warps

just wish it was longer. really really good

one of the best full scale remakes ever

awesome stages. kage-maru p2 costume legendary. best 3d fighter ever, to me. though, tekken 4 is close, which is funny considering how much DNA it shares with this.

it's really good! probably not my favorite zelda or even my favorite 2d zelda but i still liked it a lot. succeeds as a remake in that i don't feel like i've "lost" any part of the experience by playing it in this format.
very faithful to the original in ways i could not have predicted. presentation is 100% on point, which shows Grezzo has learned a thing or two since their washed-out N64 remasters.
judging the game on its own, i think it represents a pretty big stepping stone: the NPCs have finally come into their own! thanks to some unexpected inspiration from Twin Peaks(?!?!) and its small-town charm, we get some joyfully fun characters on Koholint, many cleverly repurposed from extant Nintendo titles, and with them comes the first trading sequence in Zelda; possibly my favorite of the series' hallmark features and one i wish would return some day :(
the dungeons are a big step up from Link to the Past's, despite the smaller scale and shrunken item set; the tedium still reaches frustrating heights toward the end (the 7th dungeon of 8 particularly felt dull and overlong) but overall the design is far more intuitive than any of the Dark World Dungeons, and still a bit more clever, at that!
my greatest complaint is that, in spite of the numerous QoL changes and streamlines, the Roc's Feather, an item that serves as a de-facto jump button in a game with sidescrolling sequences, remains an item that needs to be equipped. whose idea was this???

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i swept through most of this game because sheer luck and persistence made my main character the strongest mage in the world before i could even fight the first boss. i then proceeded to finish the game by killing God in a single hit with a chainsaw.