Great platformer just a pure joy to play and control. Loved the collectibles and challenges. Especially the treasure levels

This is a childhood favorite of mine this is basically where Golf Story got its inspiration. It’s still a good game but more challenges would have made it a lot less repetitive. The rpg elements are nice but it boils down to just play tennis I just wish there was more variety

The best Wario Land game. I love the metroidvania elements and how each level opens up with each new treasure you find. A pure joy and one of the GBCs finest.

Wow what a true masterpiece this game is. I knew I would like this game based on how much I enjoyed Divinity Original Sins 2, but I didn’t not expect for this game to be one of the best games I have ever played.
Let’s start with the story and choices. This game just let me a complete utter monster and I had serious consequences for my actions. I was surprised how many different choices and outcomes you can get from doing various side quests and seemingly meaningless tasks because important later on. My story and experience is I’m sure far different from other’s and that makes me super excited. I really want to jump right back in and play again and see what would happen. On the surface it’s a pretty simple story but it gets super dark and will surprise you. I also love how you roll a dice for basically every major decision(it happens in the background for battles).Dragon Age Origins was my favorite crpg before but this has surpassed and is exactly what I want from these type of games

Now let’s talk about the characters. What a great bunch of characters you get to have join you. Even though I was a monster and I didn’t get to experience even half of what the characters would bring to the table, I really enjoyed the cast that did stick with me. They are very well developed and I love how they interact and have input throughout the entire game. Lae Zel, Shadowheart, and Gale were the standouts for me. I also had a character that most people won’t get who I also enjoyed which I won’t spoil. I also really enjoyed just talking to all the different npcs and messing up their lives in my case.

The gameplay is where most people will scoff at or be intimidated by and I totally get it. That was the one thing I didn’t enjoy about Dragon Age Origins, and even at first I felt like it was a real struggle each combat encounter. After I gained a few levels and I could really customize my build and abilities, that is when the combat clicked for me. I love how much customization and ways you can approach battles that they give you. A lot of the time you can talk your way out of combat, but when you do have to fight they provide so many different ways to deal with enemies. I got to experience some of the best boss battles in a game for sure. I was stressed, I would think I can’t possible win it, I would try again and again and again, and I would succeed and it felt soooo good!

Obviously I highly recommend this game it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played and one of the best games this year easy.

This game I can't really recommend. One of the worst protags in history. The story is good but I didn't connect with the characters and I mainly just wanted to complete it because it has ties to Steins;Gate.

I enjoyed my time with Owl Boy. The art style is great and the story was a lot better then I expected. The gameplay is a bit of a mixed bag for me. The platforming, flying around, and puzzle solving are great. The shooting I felt was a bit uncomfortable and cumbersome for me which is bad because it's a big part of the game. Overall it's a good game and short enough to play in a few days

I was really looking forward to this game and it pretty much delivered on all fronts. The story, characters, and battle system are all great!

I do have a few nitpicks so let’s start with those. First of all the backtracking can be annoying in this game, and while it gets mostly fixed later on they could have included more short cuts in the world map. Second I feel the battles are a bit too easy and a difficulty setting or increased challenge would have made me like this even more. My last complaint is with the post game. Now since it’s optional it’s not a big deal but requiring a collectible that they don’t tell you is a big deal and is easy to miss is a pet peeve of mine. You can’t unlock the final secret dungeon without it, which is a bummer so I’ll have to do that next playthrough.

Now the good! As I mentioned the story is fantastic and very well done. It has lots of twists and some great surprises that generally shocked me. The characters do a good job of showing personality especially Garl who was my favorite.

The battle system is Super Mario RPG mixed with Mario&Luigi which is fantastic. I also love all the different combo skills and ways to unlock them. The graphics are beautiful as well and I really like the boss designs especially.

Overall a great game that I will replay and can’t wait to see what they do next

This game really surprised it's just so fun to play and the characters are a joy to watch interact. I really like rhythm games so the combat was really up my alley. The art style is just gorgeous, and you really get to see the characters pop because of it. The musical tracks especially some of the later ones just get you pumped up so much. I would say my biggest surprise of the year can't wait for a sequel.

As the first Fire Emblem game we got in America, I think it does a great job of getting you into the series. It can be tough but the characters are great and the story is well done. It's a fun one to revisit

Got AI the ring he deserved. I wish this series would have continued very arcadey and just fun. Rip Courtside after this game

This was one of the first Kirby games I ever played. It was also the first one I ever owned myself. It's a great intro to the series and the graphics still look great today. It's not particularly challenging but I had fun and the final boss music is a banger.

For sure the best Scooby Doo game which isn’t saying much, but I really enjoyed the metroidvania/collectathon gameplay. Scooby felt good to control and it was fun visiting the different areas. Randomly Don Knots was in the game so shout out to him

This is my second playthrough and it confirmed the fact that this is my favorite Trails game in the series just barely passing Azure and future game Kuro. The gameplay is peak turned based jrpg and is the peak of 9 games before it. There are so many options and characters plus with the Reverie corridor you can experiment all you.

Story wise this closes out the Crossbell and Cold Steel arcs and gives them both a fantastic send off. It also hints more at what the future of this amazing series has to offer. Just like Sky 3rd there are doors which are daydreams this time, which expound on all the different characters and how they have developed over the series. There is also tons of opponents to battle in Vantage Master and Pom Pom Party which I love.

Overall a one of my favorite games of all times with a perfect blend of gameplay, story, and characters!

One of my favorite games on the GC. The mechanics are so much fun and exploring the mansion is a blast. The portrait ghosts and the puzzles involved with them are still my favorite part of the series. I really wish they would be in the sequels but that's why this one is still up there with 3 for me. It's so satisfying to suck up everything and this is the game that gave Luigi even more personality

I’m a big fan of Danganronpa so I was looking forward to this when it got announced. This game definitely has some of the same charm as Danganronpa which is great! I really liked the story and the mystery dungeons which are a lot like the trials from before.

Unfortunately this game performs terribly on Switch, which at this point isn’t anything new. Chapter 3 is also boring and I feel like the ending kind of wimps out a bit.

Overall I really enjoyed it and would be excited for another one. It doesn’t reach the height of Danganronpa but still a good time if you enjoyed them