If you like 2D Mario, this is a no brainer. Endless levels, but every single Mario Maker level is either too easy, or forged in hell. Getting those just right levels and mastering them is really fun. Though I despise the stupid animation and wait time between deaths.

This game is a disgrace, and solidifies how little TPC cares about their franchise. Looks likes a mobile game. Plays identical to the DS versions. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about these games. Can't believe they put this crap out after the fantastic remakes that were ORAS.

I played it on the 2.01 patch. Great game. Night City is a beautiful place to walk and drive around. The skyline looks really pretty too. Gameplay is fun, and there are a lot of mechanics to exploit. I went in blind, and didn't have any problems with difficulty (Normal Mode).
I think the story is nice, but does feel weak in some areas. The voice acting and animation is excellent, much better compared to other triple A studio games. You do get immersed with those animations.

The guns are fun and have cool features. I did encounter some funny bugs such as floating people or cars flying, but nothing game breaking. I think everyone should give Cyberpunk a chance now!


Overhyped game. If you didn't play as a cat, no one would care about this game. The mechanics are boring - the cat practically moves for you. There are way too many text boxes for a game focusing on presentation and visuals. It is focusing too much on the story when that is not the focus. The game is short, and I'm grateful for that cause I could not put up with this kind of gameplay for any longer.