Every time I think about this game's story and script I want to hurt myself. Stuck around for the RPG parts and they're mostly good fun, tho.

Cute game, but it just couldn't keep me engaged. I sadly don't really care for the 'Hey, check out all these wacky stage gimmicks!!' approach they took here...

Did another full playthrough and fell in love with it all over again. Fucking phenomenal.

One of the most wonderful experiences I've had with a game. Need to go back and play it on a higher difficulty so I can more thoroughly enjoy the survival horror aspect of the whole thing, but as is this is far and away the most exciting thing I've played all year and a fantastic reminder of just how incredible video games can be.

I sincerely like it more than the original, just a shame it was made for the DS.

Crash 4 is a game I've been really trying to like since it first came out, and I think my most recent attempt at a playthrough has made me appreciate it a lot more than before.

That being said, I still haven't brought myself to finish it. I think theirs a point where the game takes a bit of a turn and becomes too hard for it's own good... Combine that with the insane box placements that are often going to require guides to discover and you just end up totally losing me.

Still, I think it's an objectively good game and worthy of at least taking a look at. Determined to finish it some day, but for now it'll remain one of the few Crash games I haven't gotten 100% in.

Everything I could have wanted from a follow up to Future. I keep coming back to it just to play around in the various locations and pull of ridiculously long combo strings if for no other reason than moving around feels so incredibly good.

Also, plays good on Switch and looks lovely on that OLED screen :0)

sincerely one of my favorite games from 2021

really glad i got to finally play this! i'm familiar with a lot of these micro-games thanks to gold, but getting to see the whole package in it's GBA glory was a real treat... if gold didn't exist, this would be my favorite one.

the only one out of all of the newer kirby games that i would say is REALLY good

played this during the first big lockdown of the pandemic and had a lovely time cleaning someone elses house while i put off cleaning my own.

one of the best games on the DS and an incredible sequel to the original game that honestly surpasses it in a lot of ways.

amazing wonderful video game i'll forever hold near and dear to my heart. easily the best of all three games.

they spent all their time and money making the animatronics sexy instead of making a good game.

no amount of bug fixes can turn this into something worth while, it's a fundamentally awful video game.

Cruelty Squad is one of the most exciting things I’ve ever played. I’ve played a number of immersive sims over the last few years, but none of them have struck a chord with me as much as Cruelty Squad.

While I certainly appreciate this game on an artistic level with it’s garish, ugly visuals and dialogue that manages to be both fucking hilarious and genuinely brilliant, it’s in the actual game and level design itself that Cruelty Squad impresses me the most.

Every single map in this game is so densely packed with new shit to find, from alternate pathways and shortcuts to bizarre hidden areas housing brand new upgrades, items and even entirely new secret levels that are entirely separate from the one you found them in.

Some maps are large and open, others tight and claustrophobic. The amount of variety on offer is insane, the headquarters of a pharmaceutical company, a large shopping mall with a number of different angles to attack your target from and even your own apartment as it’s being raided by hordes of cops you get to shoot your way through because you were late on rent! Fun!

The upgrades (or augmentations) you get can be game changing too, at some point I found myself at the bottom of a cruise ship with 2 of my 3 targets on the top deck. While I could have slowly but surely worked my way through multiple floors of enemies to the top, an augmentation I had just bought allowed me to use my intestines as a grappling hook and fling myself up there in no time at all and take them out with ease. A later upgrade allowed me to wear a suit of protective armor that negated any and all fall damage too, making the grappling hook even more viable and useful than it was before.

And I think the wonderful thing is that that’s not a valid strategy every time! Another map saw me travelling deep into a mine filled to the brim with enemies I couldn’t just vault over, so I had to rethink my strategy and ended up with an entirely different loadout consisting of a gland that would slowly regenerate ammo and some delightfully fleshy thrusters built into my back that allowed me to quickly dash forward.

I could keep singing this game's praises forever. It’s fucking amazing and gives me a sense of freedom so many other games wish they could achieve. Go play Cruelty Squad if you haven’t already. You need to.