Greatest rhythm game oat, the visuals n art style are amazing and the music is perfect it really reminds me of the pillows' style. I only wish there were more gitaroo man games.

dogshit, can be fun 1% of the time and thats it. At least it built the basics for something greater.

I dont think suda51's games can get any better than this

What if Death stranding was made by Suda51? (better)
Lospass island will be missed....

Absolute kino experience, this MIGHT be the greatest vn of all time. But it doesn't deserve five stars because of the annoying ass gameplay

Vampire survivors type beat

red dead redemption if it was good

Tries to be too many thing at the same time and fails at most of them, it's not bad its just too repetitive even for a roguelike... might try to get into it again later.

this is the greatest jrpg ever made

I love no more heroes travis is my goat but this game kinda sucked, the long ass levels can get really boring but the dual katanas and the tiger transformation were one of the redeeming qualities in addition to the soundtrack (kino). However taking away the ability to explore the city and giving us a map/menu was really stupid الله يسامحك يا سودا51

nice game but you'll never be wario lil bro

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