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svejkovat earned the Replay '14 badge

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4 days ago

svejkovat finished The Walking Dead: A New Frontier
I think this is the weakest of the series thus far, it simply became far too repetitive and I never meaningfully connected with the hero Javi.

A lot of the scenarios you face are quite similar to those already played in earlier parts of the series. Richmond in particular just felt like a repeat of the community you encountered in Savannah.

There’s a strange overabundance of action oriented quick time events this time round. They seem to be getting more and more frequent in each new game in the series and I would really rather they focus on interesting dialogue instead.

A number of characters and their relationships seemed off in A New Frontier. Despite a compelling arc in the end I felt that Gabe was one of the most annoying characters in all of these games. A lot of his petulance seemed utterly illogical to the point that it took me out of the adventure. Javi’s relationship with his brother David, on which much of the narrative hinges, is quite tedious. The amount of times you have to save David or reconcile with him becomes quickly dull, especially when he is such a naturally unsympathetic character.

It’s one of the recurring themes in the Telltale Walking Dead games but the number of situations where characters are about to die and they start arguing like it’s a soap opera about their petty personal relationships is just maddening. Tripp, the gruff leader of Prescott, on several occasions interrupts our hero during very fraught situations to talk about how much he adores Eleanor. Surely this is not the time or place? Get a hold of yourself man.

I enjoyed myself but it was definitely the first time I had felt keen for an end in sight for this generally fantastic series of games.

4 days ago

svejkovat reviewed The Walking Dead: Season Two
This is a very steady continuation of the remarkable first series and you can forgive the developer for sticking with a successful and proven formula.

Clementine offers a varied vulnerability to the more brazen Lee but she is a strong protagonist all the same and carries fear and favour along her path, which is no easier or less fretful than Lee’s.

Unfortunately the sense of camaraderie and being on the cusp of destruction doesn’t pervade the second outing as comprehensively as it did the first. Most of the new characters are not as memorable or well written as those we encountered last time out. I would go as far to say as I did not particularly care about the fate of some.

The same criticisms about clunky controls live on from last time. I know it’s an adventure game but you could allow more fluid movement.

8 days ago

svejkovat reviewed The Walking Dead
Don’t watch the wet and worrisome television series, this is vastly better. Lee and Clementine’s tale is deftly crafted and brought to the boil through dreadful and dramatic progression. You feel these characters age and wither before us under the force of absolute desperation.

The story in general is very well written and much more closely follows the atmosphere of the graphic novel than the aforementioned television gore fest. There are some frustrations deriving from being forced into needlessly binary choices by the moral quandary style of plot progression, but it at least forces you to confront your prejudices.

I am very taken with this art style. It pushes forth the grit and grime. It stays with you.

The fate of Duck is one of the more powerful experiences I have had with an adventure game in my life and teaches a number of not so subtle survival horror style games what can be done with considerate attention to emotion.

Technically there’s a lot of clunkiness here and I don’t much care for quick time events, but it’s a product of the age.

8 days ago

8 days ago

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