8 Reviews liked by svejkovat

I wanted to love this so much. The world is beautifully realized, the characters are fun with their own quirks, and the hand-crafted claymation art style is one of the most breathtaking I've seen in a video game. But it's such a slog to actually play that all the good elements fade away to time marching on, you getting older and then realizing it's only been 15 minutes. There's just so little gameplay here and it all moves so purposely slow that it sucks any sense of joy or wonder the rest of the game may have filled you with. This is essentially a walking simulator which is fine, those games have their place but the best ones move, Harold Halibut crawls. You slowly walk from one area to the next, press the interact button on things and that's it. And the game is 10 hours. Once I start checking the time while I'm playing a game it means it's lost me and Harold Halibut lost me fairly quickly but it felt much longer.

Tedious, an absolute chore to play, not to mention filled with bugs. I absolutely love the Alan Wake games, but this really disappointed me.

I really like Kena, it's one of those games that feels a bit like a hidden gem. Beautiful artstyle and a decent enough story, don't be fooled by this game's child-like appearance. Some of the boss fights are BRUTAL, akin to a Soulslike, and the boss and enemy design is pretty scary considering how "cutesy" this game presents itself. Some decent puzzles, along with good combat make this a fun time, but don't be surprised if you find the parry timing to be super awkward, because it is.

Abysmal. A near pathetic attempt at aping the wonder of the original which ends up feeling like a mod for a Far Cry game.

It's a good thing british people aren't real