thinking abt how many demons kaneko designed for this game. mans was thr goat fr

idk i ended up getting the bad ending lmao i made a separate save maybe ill come back to this but dawg i just dont care to play this anymore

probably the first game i ever played 0_0 i distinctly remember being like 5 or 6 and playing it while visiting someone's house, i didn't make any progress since i kept dying to the first piranha plant.

having played it over the past few days it's really fun! such a solid game lol i dont know what to say that hasn't been said before, some of the coolest level design in the series that i feel in some ways hasn't been matched since. i also love the art style and use of the limited color palette it's super pleasing.

i tried to minimize use of savestates in my run but i caved by world 8 LMAO i was just kinda burned out by then. 7 was probably my favorite world overall just bc of how obtuse some of the level design is loool that one castle with all the coins was crazy.

soma bussy still got me actin strange

this game fucks. it fucks hard. third castlevania ive played it tops aria of sorrow i think. alucard is such a crazy little character. the spritework and bgs are fucking sexy, the stonework and stained glass is especially very pretty.

a moment i was fond of during my run was beating doppelganger. i died a bunch of times to him (i did not know to use a shield) and i ended up going in there with the fuckin clock thing that stops enemies and went ham with gladius. i like to think doppelganger had an oh shit moment seeing alucard walk in all pissed off from and proceed to fucking mince that faker

just like with sorrow games after the final boss i thought "damn that was a bit short" so i ended up shitting around the castle for a while and finally discovered what to do and nah this game is fucking MEATY you go through the whole castle again BUT FUCKING UPSIDE DOWN. crazy shit man. the reverse castle bosses were awesome beelzebub made me audibly say what the fuck it's arguably not any more gruesome than the other stuff in thr game but idk i just did not expect to see a gigantic fly infested corpse with its flesh sloughing off loooool. galamoth overall gave me the biggest run for my money i beat him by like transforming into mist and going between his legs when he did that one lightning attack and going nuts just giving him so many cuts on his lower legs and feet that he fucking died.

the story was ok i think, not too dense but i appreciate what was there. pretty tragic, pretty sad, alucard's dilemma was enjoyable, i liked all the stuff with his mom that was kind of cool i think. i wonder what he does after fucking off in the ending

ost is also outstanding marble gallery and lost painting are easily my faves

anyways i beat the game with like 180% map completion looool ill prolly go back to do the 196% ending on a new save sometime since the game is relatively short.

im way too autistic about this game lol


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this was something else. actually so fucking amazing. one thing i really love is how fucking cinematic this game is like unironucally the lack of full player control was fine cuz of the like....... shots????? idk how to describe it the camera would pan and zoom out and it was cool as fuck!!!!#####!!!!!!!!!!! one that is still fresh w me is in the water cave with the boat the rock formations framed ur gameplay and looked like fangs and shit like ico getti g into some REAL trouble. also how it like zoomed out on the beach at the end like he is so fucking isolated physically and emotionally and THEN it zooms a lil bit cuz from his pov he notices something on the beach, he doesnt know what it is, but ITS FUCKING YORDA HOW TF DID SHE GET HERE????????????? IDK BUT IT MADE ME TEAR UP !!

ended up watching the game intro again after beating it and it made getting the magic sword even more insanely fucking cathartic ico turned that shit around from a tool of imprisonment into one of liberation it was fucking awesome. theres absolutely a bunch of things to be said about superstition and stigma and shit around the horned kids and how ico was prolly a victim of social isolation (yorda was one of his first real connections??????? eyebrow raised emoji) but im frankly not smart enough for in depth analysis and shit lmao

ico is a fucking badass btw. ps2 mfs hit different like u have demi fiend dante fuckin a bunch of other cunts i camt think of rn, looool ico fucking smokes all of them he beats the shit out of shadow guys with a stick. this fucking baby FUCKS shit up just 2 help his gf escape he is so fucking awesome she cant climb a ladder for shit but he doesnt gaf, such a cool dude

gameplay was interesting. no incentive to engage in combat beyond protecting yorda, and you do not take damage from enemies (i had more 2 say about this a few moments ago but it slipped my mind)

have more to say about this probably but idk i cant think of anything else rn lo

i mapped the hand holding to l1 btw just felt like saying that lol

heat sex. heat sex. heat sex. heat sex. heat sex. heat sex. heat sex. heat sex.