Great DLC, funny characters, interesting map and locations, and really really good loot. It also offers a nice home base full of features such as an autodoc, scrap disassembling and a herbal garden.

The weakest of New Vegas's DLCs. The canyon setting is boring, the story doesn't offer much, and the locations are lackluster. No cool items other than the Desert Armor.

Great management/city building game based on the popular idea of terraforming Mars, but adding an interesting twist in the form of a branching story line with a high quality voice cast.

However, the open nature of the game means some pacing issues are present, such as too many conversations triggering after reaching certain points in the colony development. The ending also feels a bit lackluster, at least the one I got, and the very basic combat is heavily underdeveloped to the point I question why they decided to add it at all.

In some instances you feel as if you were just waiting for the time to pass by just to hit the objectives, as there isn't much depth to the base building.

Overall I liked it, but I would recommend playing it on story difficulty to avoid some of the chores. However, being an indie game from an Argentinian company I have to recommend it.

Really one of the best games of all time. Amazing quest design and companions, engaging combat system, and technically speaking the animations and voice acting are world class, far ahead other games with bigger budgets. The possibilities for role playing and multiple playthroughs are endless.

Some writing decisions can be criticized, and the experience is not without it bugs and errors, but overall it's as perfect as a game can be. The people at Larian really know how to make excellent games.

It's the first original Obsidian game, and sadly not even close to the best one. While the branching story and freedom makes for a really interesting experience, I can't give it more than 3 stars because of the sheer amount of bugs and overall lack of polish. The game had a really troubled development history and it shows.

It's a shame that the IP couldn't take off and even worse that it cannot be purchased anymore. I think Obsidian could have made a great job further down the line.

Both are great games with an amazing atmosphere and they have among the coolest looking space battles in gaming. They are hard and take some getting used to, specially the camera system and 3D movement. However, I do think Homeworld is a superior game than its sequel, mainly because its difficulty is a bit better and the story just feels more intriguing.

Homeworld 2 seems like an afterthought, with a story that is just a rehash of the original with a different baddie, and a difficulty system that is totally unfair and broken. Some of the QoL changes are appreciated (others not), but overall that's not enough to make it better than the original.

Amazing RPG, undoubtedly one of the best in gaming history. The start is a bit slow and controls take a while to get used to, but it delivers a great story. The main mystery is quite solid and the accompanying side stories are interesting enough without becoming too distracting from the rest.

Of course, the voice acting and the personality aspects steal the show, providing a much needed alternative to the type of RPGs we are used nowadays.

Art style and music are spot on for the type of game it is.

Pretty average game, although I think it's definitely one of the best among the recent NFS. The day/night mechanic is cool but events feel way too repetitive, the collectibles are unnecessary and add nothing to the game, and there are some minor inconveniences that could have been fixed.

The driving feel is a bit awkward at first but you eventually get used to it, and while it's not even close to a "simcade" I think it's fine.

However the worst thing is the story and the cringy as f*** characters. The "latino" representation follows the Hollywood trend at the time of shoving that everywhere and it's really bad, fake Spanish accent, censored regaetton songs, and overall a cliche storyline.


Ixion is, at its core, a survival/management game with a prominent city building aspect, which can confuse some players into thinking the game is something it's not. It requires (and sometimes, encourages) reloading to stop a chain of events that will end with a game over screen, and it's not geared towards players that just want to create pretty stations at their leisure.

It has an interesting story, something unusual for these type of games, and unlike most management games it has a set chapter structure with no free roam/sandbox available.

Some balances issues are bound to occur with certain play styles, but overall I think the game offers a healthy mix of exploration and more urgent decision making. I think some more polish could be applied in terms of UI, which is itself quite good, but has a few areas where it can certainly be improved.

Great game with an amazing story. Music and city design are top notch, as is the voice acting, story and characters.

Animations are kinda wonky which makes some cutscenes a bit awkward, and the movement and shooting are not very precise. Having the free roam mode separated from the story, while helps in making you feel more immersed, also doesn't give you much reason to explore.

Overall it's a nice remake of the original, and its story and characters, which were the biggest part of that game, are masterfully represented.

Nice little story that serves as a prequel to LiS2. Like the rest of the series, it touches on some delicate topics with respect and with solid writing.

This game in particular doesn't seem to offer much in terms of replayability, but from what I understand some of its decisions carry over to LiS2 so maybe some changes could be seen there.

It simply adds four Rusviet missions to the game, happening after the events of the main campaign.

The missions are cool if you enjoyed the base game, and the story continues from that, but like the main campaign it leaves the door open for a continuation, not providing much closure on its own.

Still it's a nice little add on.

Nice little DLC, adds 7 missions with a new faction (Usonia) that has some flying based units, and adds standard flying units for the rest of the factions.

Missions are nice and the story is on par with the base game.

Great game, with an amazing atmosphere and an engaging story and world building.

Controls are responsive and feel extremely good. Graphically it's probably one of the better looking games out there, and one of the best (if not the best) implementations of raytracing.

Gameplay wise it's fine, although the combat starts to get boring after a while. Enemies tend to feel all the same, and the weapon modding and stat upgrading systems are almost useless, since differences are too subtle to even notice.

That said I would still strongly recommend it.

Amazing isometric RPG with a steep learning curve and a complex combat system. It has a great story, but stretches for a tad too much time imo. Took me about 150 hours to finish it, doing most of the content and playing on normal difficulty.