This game is just raw af. Like if this ever got a remake somehow it would probably be the greatest game of all time. Imagine if this got like an RE2 remake treatment.

The FMV’s are great, my only complaint is mostly just age issues of “where tf am I supposed to go” and “how was I supposed to know to do that” (though it wasn’t as bad as the original Silent Hill)

I really liked the ship combat and Edward but after 8 hours of play, I can’t take the trailing missions anymore

It's funny cause like the game wasn't even that good to begin with but this was like crack for 7th and 8th grade me. It was such a special game at the time, so much mystery and intrigue (cause the story sucked so you had to watch youtube lore videos) and super dedicated fanbase.

This game asked you to play with 6 randoms (Unless you had 6 friends who also played Destiny) and do a hard ass raid for the chance of good loot. There was also no matchmaking for raids so you had to find a team on your own. There was a fan made app that most people used, HOWEVER my first raid was done by spamming random people in a hub area with messages and somehow assembled a team to go do Vault of Glass (also late on a school night cause I was irresponsible).

Because of this game i've met great people (and some not so great people) that I talk to on a daily basis nearly a decade later. This goes out to Kobe, Ben, and Tyler ✌

Impact on my life: 5/5 stars
Actual game quality: idk

One last thing: Props for being my first ever platinum trophy on Playstation

I have a weird relationship with God of War as a franchise mostly cause my dad loved the original trilogy (I swear they are the only games I have memories of watching him play) and I do not have the best relatioship with him.

However this is a beautful game and a really touching story between a BOY, his father, and a bunch of Norse gods that want them dead. I'd give it a 10 but the combat is a little too static (Don't kill me, I still love this game)

My only completed Pokémon game. I had like 250 hours on it from shiny trading. That shit was so addictive

I actually really like the Persona Dancing games but this one just sucks. The character interactions aren't that funny (you could probably say the same for P3 Dancing but SEES gets the cringe pass for all the shit they went through) and the remixes are usually terrible

I played this as a kid before actually watching Goldeneye and was so dissapointed when the game ended and Oddjob never showed up in the story. Like I was genuinly pissed off but had no idea Oddjob isn't even in Goldeneye (The Film). Doesn't help the movie he IS in has "Gold" in the title (and I was thinking about the N64 game)

Gameplay and Graphics were a huge step up from the first one but the story is much worse and the game is only 4 hours long. I played this when I was 10 and was so dissapointed by how short it was. Like I got it after school one day and then proceeded to beat it in ONE SITTING

7 yr me thought this was the rawest shit ever... and he was kinda right

This review contains spoilers

Great game, wouldn't recconmend going for the platinum trophy though.

The game is cute and charming and then you find out everything is horrible

It's cool Konami wants to revive Silent Hill but this and Ascension is just not it. The chase sequence at the end is trial and error BS and quickly becomes not scary after getting reset every time. Storywise, this is more Life is Strange than Silent Hill

It's weird they made a game for Reservoir Dogs and it's not really remarkable but I had a little bit of fun. Also what blackmail did they have on Michael Madsen to have him be the only person who reprises their role. They couldn't even get Quienton Tarantino's likeness

Really janky game but also fun as hell. Unironically had a lot of fun playing this and wished there were more Ghost in the Shell games

Once you play the game the memes are less funny. I used to think the meme boom of this game of 2022 was halarious but once I actually played the game it all just became unfunny. Great game though and the boss battles are super memorable