Short, sweet, entirely inoffensive. I don't have anything else to say other than omg they sent aqua to super hell for being gay nooooooo T____T KILL MICKEY MOUSE

My worst opinion ever: I like this game the most out of all the non mainline installments. Is it good compared to some of the other games? Well. Did I have loads of fun, though? Somehow, yeah. It has TWEWY in it, man. I get to play as Sora AND Riku. Their relationship is put at the forefront of the narrative. What can I say, I'm easy to please. Plus, I felt the Disney worlds in this game were the best, most creative and most fun they've been since KH1. While I don't think it's anything close to perfect, it's a bizarre and contrived but fun and vibrant mess that tries to do a lot of different things to varying degrees of success, and I think people give it a bit more hate than it warrants.

A really good story, but not my favorite gameplay experience at all. The sudden level spikes towards the last few worlds were a pain, and playing through worlds three times got old after a point. Wish the characters had more substantial backstory to them as well. Still, its ending is phenomenal, the characters themselves are utterly heartbreaking, and in spite of my few issues with it, it absolutely left a major impact on me. I respect its story greatly for what it manages to set up. Also Aqua please call me back yuou're so beauteefull

The final hour is amazing and heartbreaking, the rest is repetitive and quickly tiring. Probably doesn't help that it didn't get its own remaster. Axel looked fine asf though so like you take what you can get

Extremely hard game for me to rate. The highs are so unbelievably high, but I think people tend to gloss over how mediocre some parts of it are when they hail this as the best in the franchise. The Disney worlds in this game are so bland and uninspired compared to KH1 it almost feels like a joke. The beginning, climax, and ending are SO, SO strong in terms of their writing, but everything in-between is a slog to get through. Like I said, the parts that we all know are great are seriously phenomenal, and everything about playing through the ending portion of the game had me so crazy hyped I was losing my mind. Still, it's not enough for me to completely overlook how totally meh a lot of the in-between gameplay was due to how lifeless and filler-y the Disney worlds felt. KH1 managed to make them feel a lot more magical, while keeping them relevant enough to the story that it didn't have me constantly tapping my foot waiting for the story to get to the good part like it did in KH2. Still a really great game overall that I also love, but personally, it doesn't quite beat KH1 for me.

Really neat story and interesting follow up to KH1, but you couldn't pay me to play through this game's combat system. Still, absolutely love what it did for Riku's arc especially, and I would gladly rewatch the story again.

Is this story ridiculous? Is the gameplay occasionally a greater torture than a slow death? Is it sometimes impossible to understand what the hell is even going on? Yes, to all of these things. And yet, it's one of my favorite games I've ever played. It's nonsensical, an utterly ridiculous concept that sounds pretty much preposterous even on paper, and yet, it has so much charm and life breathed into it that I can't help but adore it. It's not a game that's intended to be taken all that seriously, and I think if you understand that going in, you'll have an amazing time. The messages it does impart are sweet, the characters are a lot of fun, the overall story is a rollercoaster ride that'll constantly leave you vaguely confused but somehow in a way that isn't frustrating and is more amusing than anything. I genuinely love this game. It's a mess of writing, but one with a lot of spirit and heart to it. I also feel the incorporation of the Disney side of things was best handled in this game compared to future installments, and the weaving together of what seem like completely inane and childish Disney character plotlines with the actual plotline of the game is actually really fun and pretty well done. This game put me through hell, but I loved every second of it, and it'll probably always be my favorite out of the main installments in the series.

Unbelievably amazing. What a work for its time. The story and its characters touched my heart in a way I genuinely didn't expect, especially not from the first few hours of the game. So many things left me REELING by the ending. An unforgettable game that stays with you for ages.

I didn't expect much from this, but back when I played I did actually like it more than I was expecting, and I think it did have me a bit hooked for a time. Nonetheless, it's still a pretty mindless gameplay experience that just isn't really for me in the long term.

This game is a lot and I don't have the brainpower to formulate really complex thoughts about it. It was fun! Got a little bit repetitive at times with the routes but I thought it was neat and thought-provoking. Don't ask me for anything more elaborate than that.

remember when this was a thing? yeah i dont really want to remember either

The most difficult game I've ever played, straight up. If you think Souls games are the peak of difficulty in gaming you've very obviously never played LLTQ. Eldritch beasts are absolutely nothing in comparison to trying to figure out how to get this princess to live to see her coronation. This damn game had me going mad as a kid trying to figure out what skills I needed to improve each week in order to not die, and it's choose-your-own-adventure design made it so much fun for me in spite of how frustrating it was. I have such a deep nostalgic attachment to this game that I can't really explain, I just adore it? Still, it has a ton of flaws that I would do anything to see improved. The concept alone is /brilliant/ to me and tons of fun at first, but I wish there was more variety so that repeat playthroughs attempting to beat the game don't feel like a complete dialogue-skipping slog to get through. Once you've beat it once, there's pretty much nothing that makes you feel like replaying again. A few good tweaks and adjustments to make it more entertaining upon replays would make this game a masterpiece to me.

The twists are definitely something at first, and then they begin to feel like overdone parlor tricks. I'm sure others have criticized it better than I can. In short: far too vapid of a VN that offers very little compared to others.

I can't give a review that'll do this game justice. Just utterly phenomenal and should be played by everyone in existence.