I don't CARE if people hate this game I like it SO MUCH. My AA game of the life. Yes it has flaws and it's nowhere NEAR perfect, but as a whole it's such a fun and deeply ambitious work that I can't even be truly bothered by its problems, because I respect everything it tries to pull off so much. Honestly, I'll always personally prefer a game that's messy but fun a LOT more than a game that's written more cleanly but is also rather by the book, and AA4 clearly falls in the former category. The characters in this game are EVERYTHING to me and my favorite in the series, and I think this was the last game in mainline AA that I truly, TRULY adored. I could talk about it for hours (whenever I next replay it, I will make this review a lot more detailed. Trust.) I will forever wish it had gotten its own trilogy instead of getting shafted in favor of AA5-6 returning back to the same old with Phoenix and co, because I think that a more polished set of games centered around this cast could've improved it in people's minds. Plus, getting more with these characters at the forefront would've been the greatest joy of my life... but oh well. I'm nothing. It's fine. I'll continue to smile through the pain of what could have been.

My full thoughts on this game are so long but man. This was the first proper Pokemon mainline game I ever owned so I’m SOOO attached to it. Finding the will to replay it is extremely difficult because of how absolutely DOGSHIT the leveling is in this game, but I love everything else about it. It’s objectively kind of a whatever region but idk I’ll love Johto the most forever. DS era Pokemon will always be my favorite, I think they did so many things amazingly Gens 4-5

I think if I had spent my hard-earned money to play this game instead of watching the 13 hour Youtube cutscene of it mostly on 2x speed I would've cried. Saved from the worst score imaginable because of the hilarity of sexy emo Junpei + the meme factor of how bad it is + birthing the idea of Team C Throuple in my mind. Other than that. The most nothing characters of all time (someone needs to go to hell for somehow butchering the Sigma and Phi character writing though this shouldn't have been a surprise after VLR Clover), the most poorly thought out gimmicks to base a game on ever, and also I had to sit through the podsex scene while on the train at 7 AM so I think someone should be drawn and quartered for that.

Sorry for liking persona a lot. Such a deeply fun gameplay + visual experience with so many all time favorite characters and a completely leahbait soundtrack allows me to overlook its flaws. Plus third sem. I'm biased bc of the overwhelming love I have for its good parts so a measly .5 taken off for all of its many flaws that I could list in addition to the Royal ending which I personally hate LMFAO. Also for that fuckass boss fight against Jeff Bezos.

i hope david cage dies and goes to hell no matter what

Peak fucking gameplay experience IDGAF Dark Souls wishes

remember when this was a thing? yeah i dont really want to remember either

i wish i still had that baby doll so i could burn it in fire

I’ll always remember it fondly for how it got me into the franchise when I was like 10 during the summer I spent in DR… My cousin lent it to me and literally ALL I did every day was play this game, it was one of the first games I was ever TRULY obsessed with. It’s been a while since I’ve last played it so my memory isn’t perfect but it’ll always have a really special place in my heart regardless of any flaws. Just a solidly great game!!!

The most difficult game I've ever played, straight up. If you think Souls games are the peak of difficulty in gaming you've very obviously never played LLTQ. Eldritch beasts are absolutely nothing in comparison to trying to figure out how to get this princess to live to see her coronation. This damn game had me going mad as a kid trying to figure out what skills I needed to improve each week in order to not die, and it's choose-your-own-adventure design made it so much fun for me in spite of how frustrating it was. I have such a deep nostalgic attachment to this game that I can't really explain, I just adore it? Still, it has a ton of flaws that I would do anything to see improved. The concept alone is /brilliant/ to me and tons of fun at first, but I wish there was more variety so that repeat playthroughs attempting to beat the game don't feel like a complete dialogue-skipping slog to get through. Once you've beat it once, there's pretty much nothing that makes you feel like replaying again. A few good tweaks and adjustments to make it more entertaining upon replays would make this game a masterpiece to me.

Extremely hard game for me to rate. The highs are so unbelievably high, but I think people tend to gloss over how mediocre some parts of it are when they hail this as the best in the franchise. The Disney worlds in this game are so bland and uninspired compared to KH1 it almost feels like a joke. The beginning, climax, and ending are SO, SO strong in terms of their writing, but everything in-between is a slog to get through. Like I said, the parts that we all know are great are seriously phenomenal, and everything about playing through the ending portion of the game had me so crazy hyped I was losing my mind. Still, it's not enough for me to completely overlook how totally meh a lot of the in-between gameplay was due to how lifeless and filler-y the Disney worlds felt. KH1 managed to make them feel a lot more magical, while keeping them relevant enough to the story that it didn't have me constantly tapping my foot waiting for the story to get to the good part like it did in KH2. Still a really great game overall that I also love, but personally, it doesn't quite beat KH1 for me.

funniest worst game ive ever played

i was like obsessed with this one back in the day? so yeah. good times

Such a solid trilogy all around, they'll never get old for me. It's been a while since I played, I kinda wanna replay and remember specifics to write a better and more detailed review for each game than the one I could give right now. I'll probably do that in the future! Anyways, in short, AA is such a master class in character writing, and this trilogy demonstrates that phenomenally. The stellar writing in these games ensures it'll stay in my heart as one of my favorite series for life. I'll never forget the thrill of experiencing the first game blind for the first time, and immediately rushing to play every other AA game I could get my hands on. Don't even have any jokes, I just genuinely love this franchise so much!

Unbelievably amazing. What a work for its time. The story and its characters touched my heart in a way I genuinely didn't expect, especially not from the first few hours of the game. So many things left me REELING by the ending. An unforgettable game that stays with you for ages.