125 reviews liked by terrio

I think it looks ugly and sounds ugly and also isn't fun

If you like this game i hope you get divorced and lose your kids

Didn't you have to hold down the down and right arrows while the video was loading or something? really cool pasttime in those days of very slow internet speeds. Shame they removed it, as they did annotations, dislikes, comment dislikes, comment spam flags, custom channel backgrounds, animated avatars, animated channel covers...
Man, YouTube sucks balls roflmao

classic. timeless. the human brain is hardwired to enjoy fitting blocks into tight spaces. i'll take it a step further and say that you're probably not human unless you like tetris

Every year I find myself enjoying this game more and more and somehow it's helped translate to real life skills in more ways than I thought. Also one of the rare cases where I believe constant updates and DLC is actually better than making sequels.

Frustrating and fun, my favorite combination

I have no clue if this is still the last bastion of our culture war or if it’s too woke now so I’m giving it a 5/10 to average those two possibilities out

Crazy how all you need to make Mario 64 one of the best Mario games is a better camera and a Hanyuu mod

This honestly might be one of the best games of all time. It makes me want to blow my brains out though. Its aesthetic is peak, its music is peak, and its gameplay is satisfying and addictive. I don't know if any game can compare to the dopamine rush you get from actually winning here.

2 lists liked by terrio