11 reviews liked by tetchq

Be Greater. Together.

Spider-Man is my favourite character in all of fiction, hands down. I don't think I've been this excited for a game in a long time. Ever since it was announced in September 2021, it's all I could think about.

This is hands down the greatest superhero video game of all-time.

This game is filled to the brim with so much love, whether it be the main story or the side content. At its core, it's a true message of forgiveness and second chances. I didn't think the movement could be improved from the original, but somehow Insomniac delivered. The introduction of gliding, slingshotting, and loop de looping all make the already perfect traversal, even better. The suits in this game are all so, so good. The symbiote, villain, and movie suits are my personal favourites. Finally I can swing around in my beloved TASM 2 suit like I deserve.

The boss fights in this game are all peak, I felt in the first game they were a little underwhelming to fight, but they really turned up the intensity. While I was playing I was patiently awaiting the debut of Venom, wondering how he would be handled, only to be blown away. Holy fuck is he massive. 19 inches of Venom never looked so damn good. The way they displayed his sheer power is just insane. He is truly a force not to be reckoned with.

My only complaint is that this game felt so short, but then again, I haven't put down my controller since release. I imagine a DLC is planned for the near future and I hope that holds me over until the next game. Oh and the amount of bugs. So many bugs. Thankfully none of them ever hindered my experience because they were at least funny. Spider-Cube is just Spider-Man's final form.

With the game coming to a conclusion, we are of course teased of what a potential Spider-Man 3 would bode. Whenever that is, I will be there no matter what. Wolverine is going to slap. Insomniac has once again proved they are wizards when given the great power and responsibility of a beloved IP.

This is as Spider-Man as it gets. Swinging never felt so good.

This is, by all technicalities, a quirky indie RPG about depression





It's physically impossible to describe the true splendor of this game without me spoiling, but just know it's really good.

Everyone on this website needs to shut the fuck up

(6-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

I met a goat guy 3 times. He had a long beard and I just felt weird.

[Dad's note: She had her tonsils out the same day TotK came out, so she was in a semi-delirious state when she insisted on reviewing the game. I was very impressed that she still managed to get through a couple shrines on her own!]