I like the battles more than undertales, the tp meter and different spells give the game an added layer of strategy that undertale lacks. I do like the story more in undertale though, but the characters and smaller interactions between the main cast is better. Great ost as usual, I might still prefer undertales but there are some GREAT tracks, vs. Susie is my favorite. There’s only on route which is probably because it’s only the first chapter, but it was free so I think that makes sense.

Just a really good game. The things like characters seeing if you’ve killed enemies to decide your ending, the game knowing if you’re doing a ng+, flowey crashing your game during his fight was so new and cool to me in middle school, I didn’t know games could do that back then and it was just so sick, made the game feel alive. clearing the save data in my files so I can do back and get true ending or genocide routes made me feel smart lmao. Great ost too, used to listen to it so much when I listen to tracks on their own I anticipate what would’ve come up when played in full. The story section before asgore’s fight with the music always makes me teary eyed, even after playing it over and over.

Absolutely love raidou kuzunoha, but this game is extremely frustrating at times! Raidou runs very slow and the encounter rate is very high, which wouldn’t be bad if the battles weren’t as tedious as they are. You wait until your demon hits the enemy demons weakness and then you attack, sometimes you use a special move, occasionally heal, that’s kind of it for everything is this game. Idk if this was a problem for anyone else, but raidou doesn’t block unless you hit the block button when he’s finished with any other animation, which led to me feeling like the game wasn’t responding to my actions, which is very frustrating. He still runs slow during battle and enemies attack from off screen. All the bosses are essentially damage sponges with one gimmick that usually isn’t fun and just prolongs the fight. Good story, amazing soundtrack! I love this ost, character design and atmosphere made me enjoy the game despite it not having the best gameplay.

Super fun! 2nd mainline smt game, loved the story and characters a lot more than nocturnes, wayy better fleshed out, not as great as they could’ve been, but good. I loved Jonathan. Amazing ost! I do agree with some people when they say the dungeons are very samey and boring, most were just hallways with chests and enemies, with the occasional teleport puzzle. Gameplay is fun and rewarding, same as nocturne, I still find it fun on replays. One thing I hate about smt iv is the extremely important lore locked behind paid dlc, that’s disgusting.

Really really loved this game when I played it sophomore year, I personally related more to some of the characters, but I think it falls victim to the social link problem I said in my p5 paragraph. I liked the story a lot more than p5’s on replays I don’t slip through scenes like I do with p5, I just think the cast is better. After playing other Megaten games though, it’s definitely moved lower on my lists. Also has a really solid ost, “the almighty” is the best track for sure.

Great gameplay, ui design, and soundtrack! however, Maybe a personal thing but I found myself annoyed with almost every character by the time I finished, I think the main issue I noticed is that once a character’s arc was over, the game stuck to one of their personality traits to show for the rest of the game while anything else about the character got hidden behind their social link, making them repetitive in the main story and seem less like characters and more like tropes, (girly girl Ann, punching bag ryuji, hikikomori gamer girl futaba, etc). Also, outside of maybe akechi, I feel there are not many morally gray characters.

First mainline smt game, super fun I loved it! The art and scene direction is so cool, a lot of ambient tracks but I think the ost is sick. Ofc, press turn is a great mechanic that rewards you for prepping the right affinities of your party, plus debuffing and buffing to see how much dmg you can do in one shot is the best. I’m a fan of the overall themes but I feel the characters are a little weak. I really do love this game though

I love everything about this game. Super pretty pixel style, great soundtrack, simplistic yet relatable and touching story, movement feels great and every room always feels just difficult enough to be rewarding once passed. Strawberries, trying to improve time, and seeing how much better you’ve gotten at the game makes replaying Celeste’s stages over and over super fun for me. I really love it