i played this when i was younger because i was like ooh kid icarus i like uprising its more kid icarus how fun and i couldnt remember if it was actually any good so i just tried it again and got to the first boss, died, got sent back to the beginning of the level and gave up and i think thats pretty much all i needed to know

i do plan on going back and playing through the whole game for myself, but i first played this game when it came out and liked it a lot but gave up because i got stuck on some boss. then, i played through a good chunk of this game with a friend handing off the controller and doing all the kong letters and the kong levels he didnt have yet and then beating the real final level and that was a really good memory. i knew i liked this game a lot when i played it back then but playing it again with my friend really just reminded me how good it is

trust me guys naming your game poop fart 2 the shittening and getting good reviews and sales on it is even funnier the 50th time take notes youtubers from 10 years ago

i enjoyed playing some more donkey kong after beating the first dkc for the first time a month ago and i think using the animal partners way more in this game than the first was really good but theres something i cant really describe that makes me put the first game just over this one and its a feeling i had for a good bit of playing this game. i'll most likely revisit this one sometime down the line if i ever feel like replaying the dkc games

i cant really think of anything else to say other than the fact that this game really surprised me. i went into this game expecting it to be really atmospheric just based on clips ive seen and listening to some of the music from the silent hill osts, but i genuinely did not expect a ps1 game to instill any fear in me while i was playing it. maybe its just because i played in the dark with headphones on to really try and set the right mood for this game and also the fact im not the best with horror in general. i just think the fact alone that i was so entranced by this game to the point where loud crashes and sudden moments really made me jump opened my mind to realizing that any piece of horror can be made scary with the right pieces. literally in the first 10 minutes i had no expectations to be scared by this game and i fucking yelped when the first enemies showed up out of nowhere when i didnt expect it. also i really do love how this game plays, its just the right amount of jank and old game feel that probably offputs some people. after having just beat it though i got the bad ending and it made me feel kinda sad at first for fucking up because i knew exactly what i did wrong, but i do really want to go back for round 2 and experience a better ending for myself. i almost looked up the endings in a video and i was gonna move on to silent hill 2 but i think it would be best to try and get a good ending for myself. i think anyone should owe it to themselves to at least try out this game and see how they feel about it because for me personally with little to no knowledge of silent hill this game really blew my expectations out of the water and now has me interested in continuing with this series

this game is super interesting, definitely scratched the itch to play something weird and out there, and playing at night with all the lights off really does set a good mood. i wanted to go into this game with as little prior knowledge possible, and once id explored every door world once i started to look things up to see what all was left to experience. i do think i cheapened the game for myself by doing this but i felt like i just needed to see if the game had any sort of closure or anything really cool i was missing out on and there definitely were a few things, but it just felt tedious trying to find the last 7 or 8 effects without hints from a steam guide and i quickly gave up trying to figure the rest out for myself. i honestly would have been fine with this game not really having an ending at all just because of how open ended it is but once i found out there was one i felt like i needed to just see what happens for myself

i played this when it came out for about a month when it came out in 2018 and i was really not good at it and i didnt feel like playing anymore because i was so ass. i revisited it these past couple weeks because my friends were getting into it for the first time and now its significantly more fun with a friend group to relearn the game with

good nes games like this make me happy because the nes is a library plagued by a lot of games i dont care about that seem not very good because theyve aged so poorly but every once in a while you'll get a kirbys adventure and it makes you feel good

i enjoy just turning this game on and doing a job while somethings on in the background, but i think without having dlc and considering how much dlc there is it just feels like im missing out on a big part of the game. of the 3 states available in the base game i feel like after about 30 hours in im getting tired of driving by all of the same places i already recognize. i feel like ive been making 45k-60k per long job since level 10 and it hasnt changed at level 20. ive also already hired like 3 employees and i feel like theres not much left to work towards in the game except for driving around and doing jobs when im bored. i was having fun working towards growing my evil truck empire but now i feel like ive grown it as much as i can. there is still some fun to be had though when youre driving like a maniac speeding everywhere weaving between cars with traffic violations turned off

multiplayer is funny too i like putting on a fake southern accent and fucking with people who take the game too seriously. if you have friends with the game doing jobs with them can be fun too

do you think if i kissed wario on the cheek he would blush

last month i had to work with this girl in a class and i have a yugioh card in my clear phone case and she asked if i used to play this game and said yeah back in like 10th grade and she said same and i think we were getting along pretty well and i just didnt ask for her number. i fumbled yugioh girl

by far my most anticipated game in a while that exceeded my already high expectations. i dont know if i can even remember the last time a game made me smile so hard while playing it i just adore everything about this game. i will be continuing to play this and i will 100% it and i will continue to play even after that. god bless

i remember when i was younger i would always ask before playing games because i was a baby and thought i needed to ask my mom before playing a game my older sisters owned but when my sisters got a wii for christmas and i saw wii sports i needed to take matters into my own hands and play it because the wii was so cool to me

possibly the best nes game ive played. super tight controls, the playable characters are all a lot of fun to play and feel like they fulfill roles that encourage switching between them in a level, theres a good level of challenge but also enough healing and 1ups to balance it out. i think really the only parts that were really that bad were the decent difficulty curve in the second to last level and some parts of the final area and the dragon boss that just has a random instant kill. glad i found out about this game from a random stream i was watching on twitch though, definitely worth a play