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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 30, 2003

Platforms Played


Remember how huge DBZ was in the US in the early 2000s? The Buu Saga was finally getting localized, and we were all watching it go down on Toonami each week. It seemed Super Saiyan Mania was limitless amongst young teens. I was so caught up in that Diet Weeb bubble that I saved up allowance for a few months and bought Ultimate Battle 22 right when it came out. I desperately wanted to love it, and for a week or two, I convinced myself that I did.

But it's garbage. I made myself play it because of the characters that are represented, but the game itself is a mess. It makes perfect sense why they waited 8 years to localize this one, they knew it was a dud and could only sell it if franchise hype was at an all-time high.

And 12-year-old me ended up learning an important lesson about game expectations and buyer's remorse.