A stylish and artistic masterclass in visuals and sound just like you'd expect from ATLUS. Some of the best menu and UI design seen in gaming with an untouchable soundtrack

A dark and emotional story with fantastically written characters that take themselves and its world very seriously with stakes and consequence throughout. Persona still remains the king of turn based JRPGs

I never played Revelations when it came out and now I know what a huge mistake that was. It really resonated with me. While maybe a bit too short overall, I think it easily has the best gameplay in the Ezio trilogy and the same goes for the top tier soundtrack. You can really feel the writers love and care for its world, story and characters. Ezio and Altair are so well written here and their conclusion is perfect.

Constantinople is a great parkour playground (maybe the best), the addition of ziplines is cool an all but the introduction of the hook blade, is just genius. It's really nice of the developers to throw Ezio a bone in his old age, extends grab ledge range and speeds up building ascents without completely compromising parkour gameplay.

The AC 1 to Revelations parkour system never even reached its full potential. After this they started simplifying parkour in AC 3 and then never looked back, they didn't try to make a great system even greater but rather reinvent a wheel that was never broken by simplifying it to oblivion, killing any creativity and freedom these games had.

It just leaves a bittersweet feeling knowing this was the peak of Assassin's Creed and always will be...unless Ubisoft finally get a clue. (they won't)

Also, the gameplay in Desmond's Journey and The Lost Archive can absolutely get in the bin

It was special in 2009, its still special in 2024.

Gameplay wise almost everything it does is done better in Brotherhood. The origins of Ezio and his journey is what you play this game for and its still impactful and emotional as it ever was.

The multiple cities feel unique from one another and are perfectly crafted with the parkour in mind, not an afterthought. Venice in particular is a standout, but all of them all fantastic.

Except Forli, that place blows and ubisoft should be ashamed

A game that really understands what a sequel should be in regards to character writing, story, world building and gameplay.

Recruiting and using assassins in combat and stealth is peak assassin power fantasy (no need for ridiculous supernatural powers, cough originsodysseyvalhalla cough)

Ezio's brotherhood robes might be the best in the series.

Rome feels oppressive and looks great (the skybox especially is beautiful), combat while being incredibly easy like most of the Ezio trilogy still feels engaging due to the intrinsic motivation to feel like a badass assassin (piling up bodies with chain kills), you feel the impact of the kills with animations that are brutal and flashy like they should be.

The cover art is honestly a sin, I get it wanted to feature the multiplayer selling point, but this could've been easily fixed if they replaced them with generic assassins you recruit for the brotherhood. Would've still gotten the multiplayer point across and made more sense in regards to Ezio's journey

It's one of the only multiplayer games in the current era of gaming that feels like a true classic multiplayer experience that you'd get 15 years ago

No Return is too good to not be expanded on. I would honestly pay for content improving this mode if necessary considering Factions was a bust. That's how good it can be.

"go fuck your selfie" is peak writing

Upgraded textures are nice, some character models look good, but jesus christ ubisoft what is up with the eyes? they're way too bright to look natural (npcs especially).

The contrast is all over the place, the darks are way too dark and the whites can honestly be blinding. Some of the lighting in Revelations is a travesty.
Also, no 60 fps?