it's cool to have beatles songs but if you only have a guitar you're going to sit there and be so bored.

unsure why i paid full price for this but it was probably because i was a month into having my first full time job and still lived with my parents and didn't know how to manage that amount of money yet

feigns depth. can't believe i paid full price for this.

good game that i suck at so bad

a bit overrated. it's fine but i'd really rather just play gta.

Certainly an interesting game. Unsure if it was quite my cup of tea but it's definitely one I think about.

genre subversion isn't cool when you're still forced to play the genre

genre subversion isn't cool when you're still forced to play the genre

I think I came into this game with the wrong expectations. Maybe a revisit is in order?

I uninstalled maybe 5 minutes into my first game.