One of my favorite games of all time. The puzzle, art, and music design are nothing short of incredible and the writing and sense of discovery are unparalleled. I said I was only going to give it a 4.5 but I changed my mind.

Somehow equally as impressive as the base game while having a very different feel. Adds to the "MetroidBrainia" feel while expanding it. Can't recommend enough.

Achieves a good blend of Stephen King and Twin Peaks vibes across the board and the writing, setting, and characters all lend themselves to a cohesive vision.

That being said, I feel like the game isn’t as fun to play as it is to think about or discuss. It’s definitely worth playing through and had memorable set pieces, but some of the encounters felt a bit tedious, especially towards the end of the game.

The art and sound design both accomplished what they were looking to do and the story was sparse but serviceable. I wasn’t very impressed with the mechanics of much of the game, however. I kept waiting for there to be more depth or a moment that would really hook me, but things ended up being much shallower than I expected.

Excelled at what it set out to do. Had a good amount of variety in gameplay, absolutely nailed the feeling of being a robotic police officer, and didn’t overstay its welcome.

On paper, this game was made for me. Setting, sound design, mechanics, all very much in my wheelhouse. But most of my 20 hours of play were spent on the line between challenging and tedious, with too much time spent dipping into tedium. I know you can adjust the settings extensively, but even with many of the offending mechanics turned off I still found the majority of the gameplay to be just fine, at best.

Control was nothing short of incredible. With a story reminiscent of Twin Peaks meets X-Files, I found myself engrossed in every aspect of the story. While the main storyline wasn't anything incredible, I took the time to read and/or listen to every single document, audio log, training video, and office memo regarding toes gossiping amongst themselves. While the mechanics were fairly standard once they got up to speed, the setting, puzzles, and encounters that were set up around them were nothing short of amazing.