Cute, like if the kid from Over the Garden Wall starred in a mini game collection. Some games are good and others are nightmares (fuck slide puzzles), but the charm is what really sells this game. Short, like <2.5 hours


While a bit finicky at times, this game beautifully captures the atmosphere of a sci-fi Metroidvania. Exploration is at the forefront here, and is much stronger than any combat mechanics. ~10 hours

Among Us for people who like describing board games to friends

An incredible "pick up and play for 30 minutes" style game. The computer is the best character. Sometimes frustrating to have a run blow up due to random chance, but that's the roll of the dice baybee


This game was pretty much all I did for a couple of weeks. The incorporation of gameplay as diagetic story elements was incredible. Nothing more satisfying than finding a build with synergy, which felt intuitive and available for almost every weapon. Music also slaps hard. 20-40 hours in this one

Neat and short. Gameplay invites players to truly become a detective without having their hand held.

An immensely stylish game that infuriated me with its gameplay. Controls felt imprecise but demanded accuracy, levels invited memorization and then randomized enemy layout, and more often than not I felt my deaths were because of the game and not my mistakes. Played the first disc and then bowed out.

Mario 3D World is Mario at his most polished but perhaps least innovative, which is fine because the platforming is incredible. Bowser's Fury, on the other hand, seems like a Pixar short: something smaller, a bit rougher, but curiously trying to test the waters for a more expansive future effort.

A spooky, contained, uniquely Taiwanese story. I felt that some of the story beats near the end could've been clearer, and there was once or twice where I felt directionless. But this is definitely worth a play.

More in the vein of RE4 than RE7. Gorgeous scenery, appropriately scary-to-silly story for a RE. Under 1 & 2 but above 7 in my rankings. Puppet house was def the best part.

Cute! Short! Rough around the edges!

I only made it through the first dungeon. The game is good, but Persona is notoriously lengthy and P4G didn't hook me in the way P5 did that allowed me to give 100 hours of my life without question.

Metroid Fusion meets Super Metroid. Weird stutters at times. Bosses whipped ass.

A proficient Soulslike/Metroidvania (Soulsmetroidvania?) with fascinating lore and atmosphere. In its best moments the game feels like a symphony of combat and exploration, and it its worst it feels wholly derivative of Dark Souls. In fact, my greatest complaint of Blasphemous is that it tries to ape Dark Souls too closely - for better and for worse. Combat is responsive and rewards thoughtful pattern-learning, especially in the game's magnificent boss fights. The game rewards exploration well, and there are quality of life upgrades available that avoid the late-game metroidvania slog of backtracking across the map.

Overall some of the platforming elements are shaky (stop with the spike pits!), but the world and combat mechanics do well enough to earn Blasphemous a spot in the pantheon of metroidvania canon.