I had a great time with Bayonetta 3. The story was a bit weird (something to expect by now), but still I enjoyed learning more about the story and characters.

Combat was great, and for someone who plays these games casually, was enough to keep me enthralled for the full playthrough. Jeane's sections weren't as strong, and maybe the weakest section of the game.

Viola was a nice introduction, but her combat was not as rewarding as Bayonetta - hers is just so good!

I had a great time with Pokemon Scarlet. Yes it doesnt run well, but that complaint took a backseat the moment the game opened up with the three main objectives you can tackle. The gameplay loop has been shaken up since the previous entry, and it feels extremely fresh and fun to play - I'd say the best pokemon has felt for me, ever!

The game brings many QoL features, so catching pokemon and battling doesn't feel like chore.

The story doesn't bore you with long expositions, and the encounters you have near the end are well executed.

Nemona was a fun rival and a stand out for me. Her positivity and competitive spirit is infectious!

I plan to to continue with the post game and complete my dex next. Excited to see what they do with the dlc!

This review was written before the game released

I first played OW in South Korea when it first released (I was studying there for a year, so got the full gaming cafe experience there). I really enjoyed it, but never got around to buying it myself.

Fast foward to now, I've been playing OW2 since its release and I'm really enjoying it. I understand why others may not be super keen on this (does it really deseve to be called a sequel?), but for me its been loads of fun. I also like how I can seamlessly use my account on all my consoles.

I'm planning to continue playing this in 2023, hopefully I'll be better by that point :P

Games a real treat in so many ways; the mystery and how everything pieces together at the end really had me hooked.

I think my main con would be that the QTEs/combat aren't as engaging as they could be. But thats a minor gripe, in an otherwise fantastic experience.

A fun game I played over a week. I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more with a +1

One of the rare times that a non-nintendo game has me grinning ear to ear in certain levels. The game's brimming with ideas and curiosity and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

So funny story - game wasnt on my radar until I stumbled upon the soundtrack on youtube.


Then I watched some videos about the game and thought I'd dive into my first ever fighting game, and I really did enjoy it!

Sadly I still only played it for a month tops... Loved it and do recommend it though.

believe it or not I wanted to play 007 Nightfire over this as a kid - had no idea what halo was back in '04... I was legitemately blown away when I first played this. It may have not aged well, but at the time there wasnt anything like it.

fun little game! It was a cosy, intimate experience that I fully recommend.

My first MMO! Got HOOKED like crazy when it first came out, completed the whole thing in like a week. The few weeks before my first year of uni too... Great times.

The expansions are hella crazy too!

played through BC on Series X. Really did enjoy my first Bioware game - and this wasnt the remastered edition!

Great follow up from 7. Each mini "dungeon" were different enough that I never knew what was going to happen next. The story goes to some interesting places too, and i'm eagerly awaiting the next in this first person trilogy!