Currently enjoying my first bought NEW Pokemon game (First next gen, not remake) since original Diamond/Pearl. It's quite a different feel going to 3D, which I know has been the norm for a bit, but I enjoy the open world and its ability to just let me wander around!

Currently about to go into the Pokemon League and battle against Geeta after finishing the bases side missions.

I only remember two things about this game:

Dying a lot
Being creeped out by the atmosphere

The enemies and soundtrack to the game freaked me out as a kid and for some reason I kept trying to play it, even though I didn't like it in the slightest.

Such a fun side scroller beat em up type game! The intro goes as hard as ever and the stage music slaps. The transformation/final move is always cool to do and the bosses were fun to fight. Growing up with this game always had good times tied to it.

I think the AVGN said it best when he trashed the controls of this game. I was constantly stuck on the beginning of the game because i had no clue how the grappling button worked and only got lucky by mashing buttons. The music is cool but that's about it.

Fun and very exciting soundtrack to add to it! The carpet riding levels always got me as a kid.

Such a good sequel game with so many cool mechanics and great level design. The music is iconic and fun but DAMN Baby Mario's crying is the worst to hear.

Such a fun game. The variety of levels and the different routes that can be taken to finish the game are all awesome, especially the secret levels.

Super fun with what little the game had in comparison to the later installments. A family favorite amongst my cousins and I!

Boy oh boy, this game kicked my butt every which way! It was a bit difficult to control, even as a young kid, but man it's fun to just beat up on each other!

This game took everything awesome about Gen 1 and cranked it up with all the newer aspects from Gen 3 thrown in with the post-elite 4 content. Definitely an upgrade to an already good base game.

Super fun racing game that had so much customization and flavor to it. The music choices were amazing and really made it feel like, as a kid, you were just in it and racing. The different modes and boss races to unlock cooler kits for your cars made it such a diverse first game in the series.

This and Pearl had my friends and I sitting in groups playing in the underground and battling each other for MONTHS. We were all enjoying this new adventure on the DS and it was one of the best times in middle school to remember just bonding with people. So many fun mini games to be had and lots of extra content provided throughout its life, like events and the ability to trade further into new gens and get pokemon from your gen 3 games!

The only gripe was it needed more fire types!!

The music of the game is just so dang good. The Pokemon in it are awesome and the Hoenn region is one of my personal favorites. I will say that there is quite a bit of the map that is water and it can be a bit daunting, but using the Dive HM makes it a very fun journey to go underwater and explore!

Still my favorite Pokemon game! I may have owned Pokemon Red first, but when I was gifted this game as a kid I was immediately stunned off of two things: the day/night cycle and the starting character being a female sprite!

The Pokemon from gen 2 always hold a special place in my heart considering some of my favorites are from it (Tyranitar and Scizor) and the fun of going to both Kanto and Johto really make it an enjoyable adventure, especially post-elite 4!

I recently rebought a copy and put in a new battery to play again and man is it fun to go back through my childhood like that. Might have to pick it up again soon!

My first ever Pokemon game! Of course, the game is aged and not anywhere close to what it was to me as a kid, but playing through it again is always a fun option. For some reason I always liked picking Squirtle as my starter, but I guess that just carried on to later gens!