This is the Bedrock version of the game. I love Minecraft but this version sucks.

God of War 2018 is a beautiful and fun game about a broken man burdened by sins past learning to move forward and put his son on a path towards being better.
The story is heartfelt and full of fun and well made characters with a good amount of depth. Kratos is easily a standout, as he is full of emotion and trauma despite appearing as a stoic, quiet tough guy.
Music is very good, as is all the audio design, though outside of a few particular tracks, I didn't find it super memorable (which is an issue of many movie, TV, and game scores imo).
Gameplay throughout the main story balances between challenge and enjoyability through puzzles, combat arenas, and boss fights that gradually teach the player how to survive through different tools and skills.
Overall, a very good game that I enjoyed a lot, though my enjoyment declined quickly post-story due to struggling with side content.

I adore Portal 2. It's a brilliantly written game with plenty of twists, turns, and hilarious moments.
The visuals have aged surprisingly well, still looking quite good after all this time.
Music is super well implemented, using stems to create depth to the music as test chambers are completed.
Gameplay is intuitive and simple to pick up, and puzzles are well made to not ever get too complicated, while still being a challenge to newer players.
A must play for every gamer, regardless of skill level or experience.

My favorite game of all time, hands down.

Undertale is a beautiful, simplistic, and charming RPG where you're given the ability to not harm anyone, a rare thing in video games and especially RPGs.

The game's story, specifically the "True Pacifist" ending, is a beautiful story of making friends against all odds and uniting a people to achieve the best outcome for everyone.

The art is super charming and recognizable, and the music is absolutely fantastic and iconic.

This game has got me through some rough times, and has been a part of my life since I discovered it ages ago. Means the world to me.