It's Breakout. That's it that's the game

A nice little experience but I was expecting a little more. Was lucky not to run into any major glitch and was able to get all the achievements. Climbing is definitely a little buggy and it's easy to unintentionally jump off something when you're trying to climb

Having defeated the Gold stake and knowing I won't truly 100% this game I've decided to mark this as complete.

As someone that's not generally into deckbuilders, it was fun in an almost puzzle-solving kind of way to figure out how to best utilize the jokers you end up with.

The dev knocked it out of the park bringing this simple concept to perfection in how the game is polished with the way the cards interact, sound and visuals. Extremely addicting as it's very easy to just jump into another run even after a devastating lost, and sends dopamine through the roof when things work out in a run.

Though consoles receive updates later than the Steam version I still think I made the right choice picking it up on Switch, as it's a great game to pickup and drop or play while chillin before bed.

Given that this was localthunk's first major release I'm excited to see what he comes out with in the future after this banger.

Short and sweet puzzler that's not too difficult, but crunchy enough to be satisfying.

nice chill lil puzzle game. caused my dreams to involve rotating dogs

i finally got to live my dream of being a tiny pupper that messes up a rich person's home

Once I got deeper into episode 1, I started to really appreciate the story they were trying to tell. Trauma and grief aren't easy to deal with, and everyone deals with it differently. Memories are tricky and things aren't always as we think we remember them. I took the time to really think about the choices I was making and how it would impact the characters at the end. I feel like I kind of placed myself in their shoes and sent myself along the path I would want to go through if I wanted to heal from the situation. I think overall some things could have been shortened or cut out, but otherwise I enjoyed my time with this game greatly. If it's the type of game you enjoy, it's definitely a tough, emotional and potentially triggering story.

Better than some of the paid DLC maps. There's a lot of small pieces to wash that gets annoying toward the end.

This review contains spoilers

I went into this game having not played the first, so I didn't have any particular expectations. I enjoyed the gameplay loop as something I could kind of just zone out and enjoy, and worked on the quests along the way as they happened to show up, though a lot of it is RNG. As other reviews have said the ending was disappointing. The difficulty and damage applied to you ramps up suddenly, and even if you own all the upgrades and play on the casual difficulty it's very difficult to avoid attacks. If you die you have to do the whole sequence over again; a checkpoint would have helped here as I believe once you commit to the ending sequence the timer no longer matters. I ended up using God mode to finish the boss. I also went on to 100% the game, since I was already very close at the end, but you do kind of have to hope the right rooms show up in the run.

Legitimately good considering it was an April Fools release. Writing and story telling felt more cohesive than "actual" Sonic games. Maybe it's my depth perception but the minigames were tedious and overstayed their welcome at the end, though there are accessibility options to make them easier or inconsequential. If SEGA decided to do another Sonic based Visual Novel I'd definitely be into it