10 reviews liked by tinypupper

At its heart, Run Pizza Run is a simple meme game. You run on foot around a city with over the top traffic speeding around every corner avoiding getting hit while delivering to houses. If you get taken out, you are transported to the hospital and must try the delivery again. Everywhere you look, cars are exploding, pedestrians are getting run over, and my graphics card was weeping as it attempted to load in the world around it.

The game has a low poly design but a pretty sizeable map that is also generally detailed. The game lacks much for animation, but I think it adds to the humor.

While the game is only a few hours in length, defaulted to having no mapped controls for me, and would not support my Xbox controller even though the options have rumble support for it - there’s something about this game that kept me entertained the whole way through. It is not an even experience and there are sections that I found much more annoying than others, but it never made me give up and quit.

This is not an optimized experience, but I found Run Pizza Run consistently surprised me with different things throughout the game. It could have been overly repetitive and boring, and don’t get me wrong it gets close, but there were small things throughout the game I won’t spoil here that kept me pushing forward.

Ultimately my review comes down to the time I had playing it and overall this is an easy recommendation for anyone just looking for a good time for a few hours. At $5 MSRP how could you go wrong?

Damn virgins is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to adventure games.

The absurd story with over the top goofy cutscenes at times was amusing but at other times overly juvenile. The group of virgin students all act as different comic relief stereotypes. Some of them felt like they nailed what they were going for and others felt borderline offensive in what they portrayed. Some of this may be chalked up to cultural differences or be caused partially by the English translation, as this game is completely in Spanish, so it is hard for me to say.

The early puzzles felt pretty straightforward and logical, but as the game reaches its final act things become a bit of a mess. The early map of this game was structured and easy to navigate, but the late game locale is centered around a labyrinthian cave system that is miserable to navigate. This makes it easy to miss paths and key items. I ended up searching some of the solutions towards the end of the game only to find some of the key puzzles to be overly obtuse.

Speaking of which, this game has two endings - both of which I experienced. Neither gave me a story conclusion that felt satisfying and when I found out what caused me to even get on the bad ending path to begin with, it was illogical and frustrating.

The first half of the game I found myself fairly entertained, but by the end I could not wait for it to be over. This isn't a long experience with my playthrough clocking in at around four and a half hours - including playing the final path out two different ways.

Regretfully, I do not think I would recommend this to anyone but the most diehard of FMV/Adventure game fans. I really wanted to like it more than I did.

Nightmare Kart is an interesting ride through a legally distinct story mode reminiscent of Bloodborne. Full of a familiar cast of characters that look like they might have been purchased off Wish (non-derogatory) you race, fight and drive through the competition.

A lot more variety than I expected including some cool unlockables and surprisingly deep (at times) boss fights. While I would have loved more of them, I think the game ended up being a good length.

Backed by a nice soundtrack and some lovingly created Playstation-era set pieces (the clock is excellent), Nightmare Kart is worth the time to check out.

Unfortunately, it is also marred by some awful physics and just terrible AI. The computers frequently will and do get stuck and much like other kart racers, once you get enough of a lead you will stay there for the entire race. On the flipside, if you end up with some bad luck and get bumped to the back of the pack catching up becomes difficult if one player gets a large lead. Some vehicles felt much harder to win with than others. It just didn't feel balanced to me.

Only expect the story mode to take you 90-120 minutes, but it is worth seeing. Would recommend if the concept seems interesting.

An open world experience that at times is fun, but more often than not shrouded by frustrating platforming and game breaking bugs.

For a game that titles itself as being a big city, it feels surprisingly small. The only thing that saves the scale is the verticality, but unfortunately that verticality is not much fun to explore.

The writing at time is charming but at other times is too bogged down with cultural references and meme humor.

In the end, I still ended up finishing the story so something drove me through. I just wish I could have gotten all the achievements before a few of them became impossible due to glitches.

It's hard to keep doing inventive things with a genre as saturated as metroidvanias, but this game constantly surprises with mechanics not seen in many games. Excellent levels of puzzle design. Fantastic audio design too.

One of those games that when you aren't playing it, you're thinking about it.

Likely to be one of the best releases of 2024. It's not perfect, but it comes damn close. Recommended.

Played this on a whim on game pass and ended up getting hooked. Really clever puzzle design. Not overly difficult but glad to see more puzzle adventure style games picking up the Obra Dinn style mechanic of filling in clues and telling you if they fit together to help keep things going.

Definitely recommend checking this out if you're a logic puzzle type folk. Can't go wrong.

A really special and unique experience that manages to recapture the world of the original Final Fantasy VII while keeping it's own identity.

First and foremost, I think this game has one of the best and most robust combat systems I've played in this style of game. There is a ton of variety and so many different angles you can approach fighting from. I really hope this combat keeps growing and becomes the blueprint for action games like this.

There are a lot of risks here and while most of them work, some others don't. Side activities get repetitive and there are so many different mini-games that everyone will probably find something they do and do not like. Overall, I think this game may be better than the 2020 Final Fantasy VII Remake but this is with the caveat of that I do not think everyone will enjoy this game.

It gets a bit bogged down with side content that throws off the tone of the story and I felt a bit frustrated with how hard the final trophies are tuned. I wanted the platinum because I loved the world, but there is just no way I could do what the game was asking of me for the final few achievements. I'm an old man and a washed gamer.

If you liked what they did in the 2020 version, you'll probably enjoy this. I don't think I would recommend this to anyone that hasn't played or didn't enjoy that game, but for those that do this will likely be among the best games of 2024.

I like this game so much that I completed it four times last night.

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Interesting take on a roguelite with the same goofy writing as the previous Turnip Boy game. The final boss was a bit of a frustration point for me and ended up having to use god mode just to finish the game.

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Finally got around to playing this seven years after it's release - simply put this is a blueprint for what makes the walking simulator genre work. Captivating story and relationships, excellent writing and voice acting, a great sense of mystery and exploration.

The unique art style makes the visuals hold up even after all these years and while some people do not enjoy the fact that you never even see what some characters look like, I think it works perfectly for the narrative.

The only complaint I have is how cumbersome it feels to travel the world and use the map. I'm sure this was an intentional design choice, but it doesn't make playing the game any more fun.

Firewatch remains an indie masterpiece even in 2024 and surely will be for years to come. Do recommend.