what the fuck is that main story

Dont complete this game for curiosity or for the funsies, it's not worth it, fuck this game and everyone who made it

The only time you'll see metroids on prime hunters

this is just like dark souls in the future there's no point to the game you just kill yourself on the nexus and shit there's no point

Dalas te cuckean en tu puta casa

500 sexdecillones de galletas está bien

marisa crucified reimu and then zun called me a failure of a person

Muy bien nintendo no cagastéis el remake y lo dejasteis fiel muy bien seguro que el majoras mask 3d sigue igual de fiel

this is the best flash game that has ever existed i dont give a shit about everyone's else opinion

The trans girl replayed new vegas again

Me he corrido multiples veces Y ESTA VEZ CON ROLLBACK

not even a remake can save the second generation