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September 1, 2020

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I feel it too often uses stupidity in the name of comedy to get characters out of situations I would otherwise assume to be treacherous ones (see the porno mag bullet time and mizuki vs. the counter strike soldiers scenes). Leaving me feeling a tad ambivalent whenever 'actual' dangerous scenes rolled around because during them I’m just left thinking: “oh! why aren’t you guys trying the wacky shit from before to get yourselves out of this one???”. Like that shit's ‘FUNNY’ but at WHAT cost, ya know? Just the classic occasional Uchikoshi tonal whiplash at work I suppose!

It has some really strong things for the characters to prattle on about - like how they perceive the concept of family and other such MEANINGFUL TALKS. And like usual Zero Escape shit it's all good fun to get absorbed in for a time. But after awhile, when you're deep in the game and would want things to go a bit beyond a surface level enjoyment, the big talking points and more heart-to-heart-y stuff don't always seem believably... prompted enough? Like you'll have scenes where this CHILD character Mizuki goes off about some desired family stuff, but it never sounds like she's having an actual conversation with the other character in the room (Date) about the topic, and it ends up moreso feeling like she's just mouthing the worldview the author wants to preach for that scene; as if she already has all the knowledge about the subject and doesn’t need to realize it with Date through actual communication. When he's supposed to be her father figure and should probably play a bigger part of the discussion! There's a lot of prattlings like that, aaaaand they aren't as genuine as I'd like! They just APPEAR in all their glory and ya don't always buy any of it as believable dialogue. It really bothers me…

That kinda irksome shit and the way I JUST TOTALLY HAAATED how they delivered the ‘point’ of certain scenes so 'obviously' is what I most remember about the experience, but it’s still a fairly solid funny enough mystery thriller kinda thing evenstill. It's very simply LIKABLE and has the best use of gameplay out of any of the other Uchikoshis I've played. With the ‘escape rooms’ finally having the adventure game dream world shit you interact with metaphor more often with meaningful story pieces over just existing as isolated and random ass video game do-dads like the kind of shit we were interacting with back in 999. Date and Aiba are fun leads, but I kinda feel like the funny eyeball girl does a BIT too much of the progression legwork and it can sometimes start to seem less like a real partnership and Date looks like he’s just hanging around solely to absorb the plot but ahh now I’m bitching again. It’s FFFIIIINE. THEY'RE FUNNY. EVERYONE IS. I just don’t think back on the game’s big BOMBSHELL moments too often and 'AWE AT THE KINO...' because of this kinda shit.

ALSO YEAH DON'T PLAY IT ON THE SWITCH LOL. Uchikoshi works LOVE to repeat themselves and overexplain shit, and this game does so by flashbacking entire clips from previous scenes to play before you. Those scenes also happen to take just a bit to LOAD when played on console. You can see where this is going!

Like it can already feel like you're being a little babied, as if the game doesn't trust you can keep up with its mysteries without constantly giving reminders. In combination with this delay from the loading issue though... The BABYING can come off a tad insufferable! Kind of degrading even! A growing resentment for the story can be formed due to this combination shitstorm and the exTRA bit of time the story takes to repeat itself!

Haha yeah no THAT was what I remembered most from the game. That's all then! never let the merciless world erase you, or whatever~