Fun gameplay, but ridiculously p2w

I always disliked the real time leveling up mechanics, even as a kid they felt blatantly pay 2 win.

Honestly I kinda liked the addition of superpowers. Yeah they make driving pointless, but i had fun with them so whatev. Other than that, playing it straight after finishing The Third, 4 just felt like more of the same.

Beautiful, yet unsettling in its archaic aesthetic, Brutalism22 is the rawest artistic expression of the feeling of paranoia, panic and terror present when living in a war-torn country I could possibly imagine. The game in and of itself might be a bit short, at only 40-ish minutes and a bit over reliant on jump scares, but the feeling it captures is just so bone-chilling. Слава Україні.

This is so fucking cool. The game mixes the usual point&click gameplay with the RPG-esque dialogue system, eerily similar to Disco Elysium. And it's just written so well. Man, I had such a blast playing this demo, I'm so excited for the actual game!

At its best Mirror's Edge is absolutely remarkable. A 15 year old game that can still look absolutely stunning is something truly special. And on top of that its innovative for the time movement system still feels unique to this day. That feeling of chaining together a move sequence whilst running faster and faster, it's so fucking good. For that alone, it's worth picking this up.

Awful, cringe writing and surprisingly janky looking graphics

I really loved my time with this tbh. For what it's worth, it's a really fun teen drama/horror interactive movie.

"We have Geometry Dash at home."
Geometry Dash at home:

Watched a video essay about this game, and it left me in such shock at how terrible the writing is, I had to log it on here. This is literal pedophile apologia disguised as a walking sim. (

Average Legia Warszawa fan matchday experience.

Benjamin Franklin could never.

I had fun, for sure, but that was mainly down to me craving the GTA formula after seeing the VI trailer. The story itself wasn't great. The main villain we go after in the final mission only gets introduced like 2/3 of the way through the game, and before that you just do whatever dumb shit Tony wants you to do without any grander goal. The family side-plot was probably the worst out of the bunch. The way Luis' mom is portrayed feels extremely shallow, like the writers wanted to make sure of the ways she is hypocritical in dealing with her son, and in the process lost out on any possible subtly. Similarly annoying were the missions with his childhood friends, low level criminals stuck in that same shortsighted mindset that got him a 3-year sentence in the events leading up to the game's events. Every single time Luis tries to confront them about the way they live their lives, he ends up nearly getting caught "doing some dumb shit" again. It's so annoying. Overall this was fun tho, if a little mindless : )

The amout of "video game logic" used in the level design was a bit shocking to me at first, but I got over it relatively quickly. The main drive of the game was the story, which unfortunately gets drawn out with way, way too many cover shooter encounters, especially in the later stages of the game, when some enviroments get recycled. The final level is also pretty terrible, as it requires you to complete a few sets of cover shooting stages, while the antagonist hides behind cover and can one-shot you if you're not careful enough. When you finally rid of all of his guards the game concludes with a set of QTEs in a scene where it seems like there are multiple logically sound ways of approaching the situation, but only one is correct. You have to learn that route through trial and error. Not great game design. Despite all this, I'd say I enjoyed my time with Drake's Fortune. The game still holds up graphically. If you squint a bit the enviroments could even be called stunning. The driving force of the game were the story and the moments of interaction between characters. I'd say in a way it all felt comfy? Yeah, the game could benefit from cutting out like an hour or two of straight combat and a better final section, but it was still a fun, short and sweet adventure.